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Capriles calls for an end to the “interim government” led by Guaidó in Venezuela

Capriles calls for an end to the “interim government” led by Guaidó in Venezuela

Capriles calls for an end to the “interim government” led by Guaidó in Venezuela

The Venezuelan opponent Henrique Capriles demanded this Monday the end of the so-called interim government headed by Juan Guaido since 2019 -with the promise of free elections-, considering that it is a “policy that failed” and became a system that benefits a handful of leaders and not the citizens.

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Capriles, a two-time presidential candidate, questioned that Guaidó seeks to renew in 2023, for a fifth year, the so-called “presidency in charge” that was created in January 2019 with the purpose of calling presidential elections within 30 days, something that It never happened.

“If I could say something to those who have the responsibility of making a decision (to vote for the continuity or not of the interim government) it is that they do not allow themselves to be blackmailed, enough of that modus vivendi,” Capriles said at a press conference. in Caracas.

The anti-Chavista questioned the permanence of this figure, which arose after a particular interpretation of the Constitution by Guaidó when he was president of Parliament, with which he challenged the legitimacy of Nicolás Maduro as president and obtained the support of some 60 countries, many of them which have already withdrawn their recognition.

Capriles added that the argument of renewing the so-called interim government as a way to “preserve” Venezuela’s assets abroad, such as the Citgo company, a subsidiary of the state-owned PDVSA, is “blackmail.”

“Citgo is not protected by the interim government, it is protected (…) by an executive order of the United States Government, that is what protects Citgo from the mismanagement it had,” he said.

Since January 2019, with the support of the United States, Guaidó leads a so-called “interim government”, as well as the parallel chamber, figures without powers or real power in the country’s bureaucracy.

Source: Elcomercio

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