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Algeria breaks diplomatic relations with Morocco

Algeria breaks diplomatic relations with Morocco

Algeria breaks diplomatic relations with Morocco

Algerian Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra on Tuesday announced the severance of diplomatic relations with neighboring Morocco, due to “hostile actions” by the kingdom towards Algeria.

“Algeria has decided to sever diplomatic relations with Morocco from today,” the Algerian minister said at a press conference.

“Conflict instead of integration”

The minister explained the reasons for this decision by affirming that “history has shown that the kingdom of Morocco has never ceased to carry out hostile actions against Algeria”.

He also made “the leaders of the kingdom responsible for the repeated crises, which have worsened”, a behavior which “leads to conflict instead of integration in the region” of the Maghreb.

Last Wednesday, the High Security Council decided to “review” relations with Morocco

Last Wednesday, the High Security Council, chaired by the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, decided to “review” relations with Morocco, accused of being involved in the deadly fires that ravaged the north of the country.

“The incessant hostile acts perpetrated by Morocco against Algeria have necessitated the revision of relations between the two countries and the intensification of security controls at the western borders”, according to an official Algerian statement.


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