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Russia’s new warning to Ukraine: “You must comply with our proposals or our army will decide”

Russia’s new warning to Ukraine: “You must comply with our proposals or our army will decide”

Russia’s new warning to Ukraine: “You must comply with our proposals or our army will decide”

Moscow’s proposals to resolve the conflict in Ukraine they are well known to kyiv and either Ukraine complies with them for its own good, or the Russian military will decide on the issue, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was quoted as saying by the Russian state news agency TASS.

“The enemy is well aware of our proposals for the demilitarization and denazification of the territories controlled by the regime and the elimination of threats to the security of Russia emanating from them, including our new lands”said lavrov late Monday, according to the state news agency.

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“The question is simple: Follow them for your own good. Otherwise, the Russian army will be the one to decide on this situation.”

Moscow has called its invasion Ukraine as a “special military operation” to “demilitarize” and “denazify” the neighboring country. kyiv and its Western allies describe it as aggression to appropriate territory.

In September, Moscow proclaimed the annexation of four Ukrainian provinces –Donetsk, luhansk, Zaporizhia Y Kherson– after holding alleged referendums that were rejected as false and illegal by kyiv and its allies.

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On Sunday, the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, He said Moscow was open to negotiations and blamed kyiv and Western countries that support it for the lack of dialogue, a stance Washington has dismissed as mere window-dressing amid persistent Russian attacks.

lavrov told TASS that, regarding the duration of the conflict, “The ball is in the court of the regime and of Washington that is behind them.”

The end of the war, which has entered its eleventh month and has killed thousands of people, displaced millions and left cities reduced to rubble, is not yet in sight.

kyiv has ruled out giving Russia any land in exchange for peace, and publicly demands that the invader return all of the territory.

Moscow, for its part, has insisted that it pursues the “demilitarization” and “denazification” of the neighboring country, but in reality its objectives have not been fully defined.

Source: Elcomercio

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