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How Lula deactivated in two days the noise of the radicals who called for a military coup in Brazil

How Lula deactivated in two days the noise of the radicals who called for a military coup in Brazil

How Lula deactivated in two days the noise of the radicals who called for a military coup in Brazil

The Brazilian President, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silvahas deactivated the noise of the extreme right in two days with strong popular support and decisions that have already discouraged the most radical followers of former president Jair Bolsonaro.

Perhaps the greatest symbol of the significance of the return of Lula The power that he had already exercised between 2003 and 2010 was seen this Tuesday in front of the Army Headquarters in Brasilia, where for the last two months radical groups have camped that demanded a military coup that would keep Bolsonaro in government.

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Of the camp that came to gather some 10,000 people, only a few abandoned shops and some signs on the floor remained.which still read “Armed Forces save Brazil”.

The camp began to thin out last weekto, when Bolsonaro he traveled to the United States without a return ticket, which was considered a “betrayal” by many activists who until then believed that he was going to “activate” the military.

On Sunday, the day of Lula’s inauguration, Bolsonaro caravans that had left various parts of the country for Brasilia did not finish their journeyafter the authorities warned that they could not reach the Army headquarters.

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In Brasiliasome 300,000 people wrapped up the new president, who also received the largest number of foreign delegations seen at an inauguration in the country, led by some twenty heads of state and government from all continents.


The discouragement was completed with some of the measures adopted by Lula immediately after taking office, which ended up demobilizing what the captain of the Army reserve, now a refugee in Miami, described as “armed people.”

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In speeches he gave on Sunday, Lula delivered a strong message against the “movements inspired by fascism” that have emerged in Brazil and “in many other countries” and guaranteed that his government will not tolerate conspiracies against democracy.

Beyond the words, signed a decree that points to the heart of some of Bolsonaro’s policies that helped give wings to the most radical and promoted the purchase of weapons by civil society.

In one of its first acts, it repealed regulations issued by Bolsonarosuspended new gun registrations, tightened the rules for their acquisition and determined that other permits for the creation of shooting clubs, one of the seeds of the ultra movement, are not issued.

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Besides, ordered that the Armed Forces carry out, within a period of 60 days, a total review of the permits for the purchase and possession of weapons issued since 2019 and announced the creation of a government task force to promote civilian disarmament.


The most radical movement of the extreme right, which was structured in social networks, has reduced its activity on the Internet to a minimum, cornered by court decisions against the spread of lies and “undemocratic” disinformation campaigns.

In the last weeks, About twenty activists have been arrested and Justice is still looking for some of those responsible for violent protests that took place in Brasilia the night of December 12.

Politically, the new governor of Sao Paulo, Tarcísio Gomes de Freitas, a former minister and faithful squire of Bolsonaro, has begun to distance himself from the captain and guaranteed that it will maintain a “republican” and “cooperation” relationship with the Lula government.

There have also been movements in the Liberal Party (PL), which was a platform for Bolsonaro’s frustrated candidacy for re-election.

This Tuesdaythe deputy Flávia Arruda, another ex-minister of the far-right government, resigned from the PL and argued that she was doing so based on “democratic ideals” that the party has not respected.

Bolsonarofrom Miami, is still oblivious to all that. On his Twitter profile, in which he still introduces himself as “President of the Federative Republic of Brazil”this same Tuesday he published a message as if he were still in power: “The Government of Jair Bolsonaro announces a 38.9% reduction in the electricity rate” for 2023.

Source: Elcomercio

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