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Couple who let their baby die while in a motel confesses that “we were reconciling”

The mother of the seven-month-old baby who died in the car while she and her partner had a sexual encounter at a motel in Colombia He confessed that “we were reconciling.”

The events occurred on January 1 in the city of Valledupar when a couple, who apparently were in a high state of drunkenness, entered the establishment and without attracting the attention of the security personnel, they entered a baby whom they left in the vehicle while they moved to the room. The minor’s mother was identified as 19-year-old María Camila Mengual Mojica, who lived in Valledupar, while her companion was reported as 23-year-old Humberto Manuel Olivella Pineda.

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According to information obtained by El Tiempo, the woman said they left the vehicle running to leave the air conditioning to the baby, without knowing that there was a leak of highly toxic gases. For this time of year, Valledupar registers an average temperature of 32 degrees Celsius. The little girl died from carbon monoxide inhalation. A hotel employee discovered her in the vehicle. She was taken to the hospital, but she no longer had vital signs.

The parents were also taken to the hospital for being in poor condition, apparently from their drunkenness. An unofficial source explained to El Tiempo that on the day of the events, the minor’s grandmother shared that afternoon with her daughter and her granddaughter.

“Last night she was quiet with her daughter and her granddaughter. On the day of the events, they were at her house. In the afternoon, her daughter left with the baby, ”the person commented. After learning of the girl’s death, several of the couple’s relatives came to the motel, and blamed each other for the unfortunate episode. “There was a lot of pain, but also feelings of guilt. They insulted each other, trying to find an explanation for the family tragedy. Everyone lives in deep pain,” the source stressed. It was also learned that the mother of the deceased baby has been studying early childhood care and guidance for two years at an educational institute in that city north of Cesar.

Authorities confirmed that the couple was released because they did not have an arrest warrant issued by the prosecutor’s office, but that an investigation is underway that could start a criminal proceeding and even a conviction if a judge of the republic determines that one of them of the two was responsible for the death of the baby.

The technical investigation team handling the case investigates whether the mother and her companion were also under the influence of drugs, after the state of unconsciousness that is evidenced in the videos was not normal. Doctors from the hospital who treated the couple said they had severe chills, tremors and an almost fainting state.

Lawyers consulted by El Tiempo said that the couple could be accused of culpable homicide or intentional homicide in the modality of eventual fraud, which would have serious implications as it is a crime aggravated by the relationship and the age of the baby. Neither of the two youths had a criminal record. According to criminal lawyer Camilo Burbano, in this case we could presumably be facing one of two crimes. In the first place, it could be classified as a culpable homicide, “which occurs when a person causes the death of another by a reckless action or omission. This crime has a prison sentence of 2 years and 8 months to 7 years and 6 months. However, if the conduct was committed under the influence of a psychoactive or alcoholic substance, the penalty would be aggravated, reaching four years at its minimum and 17 years and two months at its maximum”, he commented.

The second scenario that the prosecution could consider, said the lawyer, would be that an intentional homicide was presented, in the modality of possible fraud. “This modality implies that the author foresees the conduct as possible and leaves its realization to chance. In this case, we would be facing a crime aggravated by kinship and by being a minor under 14 years of age, for which the penalty ranges from 40 years to 50 years in prison, ”he commented.

The criminal Dalila Henao commented that in addition to breaking a regulation that minors cannot enter motels, “these people They did not act prudently since the simple fact of leaving a baby unattended and inside a running vehicle is contrary to the socially expected behavior of those who are in charge of a newborn”.

Local sources assured that the motel was sealed for violating the basic security standards that these types of establishments must have, including the prohibition for the entry of minors.

Source: Elcomercio

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