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Iran: Supported by 7th Art, actress Tarane Alidousti is released in Tehran.

She is perhaps the most famous person arrested for supporting the protests sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini on September 16th. Iranian actress Taraneh Alidousti was released on bail on Wednesday after three weeks in detention, according to her lawyer, Zahra Minowi.

Detained in Tehran’s Evin prison since December 17, Taraneh Alidusti, 38, posted several messages on social media showing her support for the protest movement. Some were accompanied by photographs in which she did not wear a veil and denounced the shooting of demonstrators.

Photos posted on Twitter show her bareheaded, unveiled, holding a bouquet of flowers and talking on the phone after being released from prison.

Tarane Alidoosti. WANA via REUTERS/Sharghdaily: Gisu Fagfuri.

After his release from prison, friends and colleagues were waiting for him. Among them are figures of Iranian cinema, including directors Mani Hagigi and Said Rustai.

“Without a veil in the photo after the release”

Other photos show her sitting in a car with her tongue sticking out and making the letter V with her fingers, meaning victory. Iranian-born British actress Nazanin Boniadi welcomed the fact that her co-star “bravely posed without the obligatory veil in photographs after her release.”

Tarane Alidousti is especially known for starring in award-winning films directed by Asghar Farhadi, including The Client, which won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film in 2017. She also starred in Saeed Rustai’s Leyla and Her Brothers, presented this year. at the Cannes Film Festival. He welcomed her release in a tweet accompanied by a photograph of her without a veil. “Iranian actress Taraneh Alidousti has been released after a three-week detention: what a joy and what a relief! Let’s stay involved! “, He wrote.

About 500 famous personalities and other film professionals, such as French actress Marion Cotillard or Spanish director Pedro Almodovar, sent an open letter in December demanding his immediate release.

Emma Thompson, Golshifteh Farahani, Kristen Stewart, Jeremy Irons, and Mark Ruffalo, among others, felt that the timing of his arrest just before Christmas should have “distracted his international colleagues”. “But we are not distracted. We are outraged,” the letter says.

Taraneh was arrested for denouncing on Instagram the execution of 23-year-old Mohsen Shekari, the first protester to be sentenced to death since nationwide protests began following the brutal police killing of Iranian Kurd Mahsa Amini in September,” they added. “Like all Iranian citizens, she has the right to freedom of expression, freedom of association and freedom from arbitrary arrest and detention. We stand in solidarity and demand his immediate release,” they added.

“Woman, Life, Freedom”

Since the arrest, the actress’s Instagram account, followed by more than 8 million people, has remained inaccessible. “Your silence means that you support oppressors and oppressors,” she said in her last social media post on the day Mohsen Shekari, 23, became the first demonstrator to be executed by Iranian authorities. She also announced that she did not wish to leave Iran, stating that she was ready to “pay any price for (her) rights”.

On November 9, she posted a picture of herself without a veil holding a sign reading “Woman, Life, Freedom” – the main slogan of the demonstrations. According to court news agency Mizan Online, the actress was arrested “by order of the judiciary” for “failing to provide evidence regarding some of her allegations” regarding the protests.

Source: Le Parisien

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