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US “condemns any attempt” to undermine democracy in Brazil

US “condemns any attempt” to undermine democracy in Brazil

US “condemns any attempt” to undermine democracy in Brazil

USA “condemns any attempt to undermine democracy” in Brazilsaid the White House National Security Adviser, Jake Sullivan, after supporters of former Brazilian far-right president Jair Bolsonaro invaded Congress, the Supreme Court and the presidential palace in the capital.

“US President Joe Biden is closely monitoring the situation and our support for the democratic institutions of Brazil it is unbreakable. The democracy of Brazil will not be shaken by violence”he noted on Twitter. A Homeland Security spokesman told AFP that Biden “has been briefed and will continue to be briefed on this.”

Look: Bolsonaro’s party “vehemently” condemns the “predation” of Congress

Information in development…

Source: Elcomercio

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