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Bolsonaro’s party “vehemently” condemns the “predation” of Congress

Bolsonaro’s party “vehemently” condemns the “predation” of Congress

Bolsonaro’s party “vehemently” condemns the “predation” of Congress

The opposition Liberal Party (PL), of the former president Jair Bolsonarothis Sunday “vehemently” condemned the “predation” of the National Congress, after the invasion of the headquarters of the three powers by radical Bolsonarists.

“We vehemently condemn this kind of attitude. And that the law be complied with by strengthening our democracy”, declared the president of the PL, Valdemar Costa, in a statement.

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Thousands of Bolsonaro supporters who are promoting a coup against President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva invaded the Parliament, the Presidency of the Republic and the Supreme Court in Brasilia this Sunday, causing extensive damage to the buildings.

“Today is a sad day for the Brazilian nation. We cannot agree with the depredation of the National Congress. All demonstrations with order are legitimate and disorder was never part of the principles of our nation.”Costa completed.

The ex-president Bolsonarowho has been in the United States since December 30, has not yet commented on the events that occurred in Brasilia.

supporters of Bolsonaro they are unaware of the victory in the elections last October of the current president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who assumed power on January 1.

The extremists have camped in recent months at the gates of the barracks to demand a military intervention against Lula, who won the October 30 elections with 50.9% of the valid votes, compared to 49.1% for Bolsonaro. .

For the president of the PL, the camps in the barracks “were an example of education, confidence and nationalism, with the presence of families representing Bolsonaro and to the right, with all the peaceful and orderly movements”.

But, as Costa later declared in a video, “this movement today in Brasilia is a shame and does not represent our party or Bolsonaro. The Police and security sectors have to do their part. We do not support those movements.”

“We support, yes, the homeland, the family and freedom, movements for good, and this movement in Brasilia today was a shame for all of us,” the former deputy pointed out.

Lula was not in Brasilia this Sunday. The progressive leader traveled to Araraquara, in the interior of Sao Paulo, to analyze the damage caused by heavy rains in the region.

The president blamed the extremist speech of Bolsonarowho has not openly acknowledged his defeat, as the main instigator of the anti-democratic acts this Sunday.

Bolsonaroa retired Army captain and nostalgic for the military dictatorship (1964-1985), is currently in the United States, where he traveled two days before Lula’s inauguration without an official return plan.

Source: Elcomercio

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