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A passenger unwittingly broadcast the final moments of a plane crash that killed at least 68 people in Nepal.

The ATR 72 Yeti Airlines flight crashed with 72 people on board while landing at the newly opened airport in Pokhara.

Footage captured by Sonu Jaiswal shows passengers laughing as the plane flies over houses.

Suddenly the camera shakes, passengers can be heard screaming and then the screen goes black.

It appeared that the plane suddenly pitched and dived to the ground as it approached the airport for landing.

Firefighters then carried bodies, some burned beyond recognition, to hospitals where loved ones had gathered.

Some relatives also showed up at Kathmandu airport, where they chatted with officials.

Nepal’s Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal rushed to Kathmandu airport after the crash and set up a panel to investigate what had happened.

Sonu Jaiswal filmed the final moments on the plane (Picture: Facebook)

Rescue teams are working to recover bodies from the wreckage of the crash of a plane operated by Yeti Airlines in Pokhara, Nepal on January 16, 2023. REUTERS/Krishna Mani Baral NO RESALE.  NO ARCHIVES

Rescue teams worked to remove bodies from the plane (Image: Reuters)

The Times of India spoke to Mr Jaiswal’s cousin, who confirmed the 29-year-old was on board the plane.

The publication reports that one of his friends exclaimed “it’s really fun” just before the crash.

Mr Jaiswal’s nephew, Rajat Jaiswal, said, “Sonu was live on Facebook after he boarded the flight to Pokhara. The live streaming showed Sonu and his companions in a merry mood but suddenly flames erupted before the streaming stopped.

An eyewitness said he saw the plane spinning violently in the air after it came down to land and watched from the patio of his home.

The Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal said it was not yet known what caused the disaster.

The plane last made contact with the airport at 10:50 a.m. local time near the Seti Gorge.

plane crash

68 people died in the crash and the other four passengers are unlikely to have survived (Image: Reuters)

crashed plane

Many local residents saw the plane descend from the sky (Photo: Reuters)

“Half the plane is on the hill,” said Arun Tamu, a local resident who told Reuters he reached the location minutes after the plane crashed.

“The other half fell into the gorge of the river Seti.”

Khum Bahadur Chhetri watched the approaching flight from the roof of his house.

“I saw the plane shake, move left and right, and then suddenly it nose-down and flew into the ravine,” Chhetri told Reuters, adding that local residents took two passengers to a hospital.

According to FlightRadar24, the flight tracking website, the plane was 15 years old.

Four people are still missing after the crash, but it is unlikely they survived.
