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Vladimir Putin says he sought an agreement on Donbas, but was “ridden”

Vladimir Putin says he sought an agreement on Donbas, but was “ridden”

Vladimir Putin says he sought an agreement on Donbas, but was “ridden”

The President of Russia, Vladimir Putinsaid Wednesday that Russia was seeking a peaceful solution to the conflict in eastern Ukraine, but “they took the piss.”

“We endured a long time, we tried to reach an agreement”but “They were just kidding us, they were cheating on us”said the head of the Kremlin in Saint Petersburg, where he traveled to participate in commemorative events of the 80th anniversary of the breaking of the siege of Leningrad.

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putin assured that Russia “did everything possible” to resolve the situation through peaceful means.

“Now it became clear that that, by definition, was impossible”he added.

The Russian leader insisted that the current Ukrainian leadership “has come out of a coup” and it is something “that must not be forgotten.”

The last December, putin He maintained that he was “disappointed” by an interview by former German Chancellor Angela Merkel to Der Spiegel magazine, in which she stated that the politician believed that the Minsk peace accords would allow Ukraine buy time to be able to better defend against a Russian attack.

According to the Kremlin chief, those statements showed that Russia he did the right thing when he launched the “special military operation” on February 24, 2022.

Source: Elcomercio

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