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Ukraine proposed a “non-aggression pact” to Belarus, according to President Lukashenko

Ukraine proposed a “non-aggression pact” to Belarus, according to President Lukashenko

Ukraine proposed a “non-aggression pact” to Belarus, according to President Lukashenko

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said today that Ukraine He proposed a “non-aggression pact” to his country, but assured that despite this, kyiv is preparing Belarusian “extremists” on its territory, which is a threat to Minsk.

“On the one hand, they are asking us not to confront Ukraine in any way, that our troops not advance towards them. They propose that we sign a non-aggression pact.”he stated during a meeting with the Government, quoted by the BELTA agency.

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However, the president added, “on the other hand they prepare an explosive mixture” by arming and training Belarusian opponents in their territory.

“I don’t know why Ukrainians need something like this,” he said, noting that in neighboring Poland and Lithuania opponents are also trained.

“We are forced to react firmly. We have enough problems on our perimeter, both in the airspace and on the ground, the green border. They are quite a problem”indicated.

lukashenko pointed out that in the face of these external threats “The reaction to the internal opposition, these extremists (…) will be firm. And don’t be offended, because we warned you.”

“We will never allow (a repeat) of the shocks of 2020”he stated, referring to the massive protests that shook the country during the last presidential elections, described as fraudulent by the opposition and the West.

Minsk violently suppressed the protests, jailing hundreds of opponents.

The president called on the Belarusians to “unite now, to survive, so that – God forbid – missiles do not fall here and bombs are not thrown at us” as in the neighboring Ukraine.

In this context, the attorney general of belarusAndrei Shved, informed lukashenko that an institutional commission will be created to allow the return of opponents who left the country but wish to return.

All cases, he said, will be studied individually.

“Many are not actually accused of anything or suspected of anything. They are people who have been brainwashed or made things up themselves. For this reason, the first thing you should do is address us, and we will tell you that we have nothing against you, you can return to the country in peace.”he assured.

Shved added that in case potential returnees have outstanding debts with Belarusian law, they can count on the possibility of a pardon in case they express repentance.

Source: Elcomercio

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