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AMLO asks CELAC to condemn the “repression” in Peru and request the release of Pedro Castillo

AMLO asks CELAC to condemn the “repression” in Peru and request the release of Pedro Castillo

AMLO asks CELAC to condemn the “repression” in Peru and request the release of Pedro Castillo

The president of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO)asked this Tuesday to the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) a joint pronouncement against the “repression” in Peru and for the freedom of the former Peruvian president, Pedro Castillo.

“We must not leave alone the brother people of the PeruIt was an infamy what they did with Pedro Castillo and the way in which they are repressing the people”, declared the president in a message that he sent on video to the Summit of the celac which is held in Buenos Aires.

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Lopez Obrador indicated that “a communiqué must be jointly signed to demand that the repression cease, open the dialoguethat it be the people who decide in democracy, that is, in fair, free elections, on the fate of the Peru”.

“No to authoritarianism and freedom to Pedro Castillobecause he is unjustly imprisoned ”, he concluded in relation to the subject.

The Mexican president is one of the main absentees from the Celac Summit in Argentinathe country that currently holds the pro tempore presidency, with representatives of the 33 member countries, including fifteen heads of state or government.

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López Obrador has questioned the violence in the protests against the Government of Dina Boluarte in Peruwhere more than 60 people have died since the protests began on December 8, when the then president, Pedro Castillo, tried to dissolve Parliament and establish an emergency government.

In his message, the president also reiterated his solidarity with the president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, after the overthrow attempt by followers of former president Jair Bolsonaro who on January 8 stormed the headquarters of the three powers in Brasilia of the State.

“We cannot accept attempts, much less coups d’état, neither military nor technical, freedom and authentic democracy must be respected, it is the people who rule in democracy, not the oligarchies,” he stressed.

Source: Elcomercio

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