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Evo Morales sympathizes with Nicolás Maduro: “He is a victim of the United States conspiracy”

Evo Morales sympathizes with Nicolás Maduro: “He is a victim of the United States conspiracy”

Evo Morales sympathizes with Nicolás Maduro: “He is a victim of the United States conspiracy”

The former president of Bolivia Evo Morales (2006-2019) showed this Tuesday his “solidarity” with the Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduroconsidering that he is a “victim of the permanent US conspiracy.”

Morales made this statement during the VII Summit of the VII Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac), which is held in Buenos Aires and in which he does not participate, since he is not an acting president. Neither does the president of Venezuela, whose government notified the organizers yesterday of his absence.

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According to the former Bolivian president, “in addition to maintaining a criminal economic blockade and his threats of intervention against the people of Venezuela”, Does the United States use the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)? “to fabricate false accusations.”

“Our solidarity with the brother @NicolasMaduro, victim of the permanent conspiracy of the United States,” Morales wrote on Twitter.

The Bolivian former president made these statements after, after several days of rumors about his participation, Maduro decided not to attend the Celac meeting due to the “plan of aggressions” against his delegationas reported by the Venezuelan government in a message in which it also accused the “extremist right” for these plans.

As added by the Executive chavistait is a “smear” campaign against Venezuelaa plan “undertaken” from the United States.

Morales traveled to Buenos Aires to participate last Sunday in an event held with the Bolivian community in Argentina on the occasion of Plurinational State Day, and to meet with social organizations.

“From the Celac Social -name given by Morales to that movement- we reaffirm the unity of the free, dignified and sovereign peoples of the Great Homeland. The United States will fail in its boycott against the integration processes for the liberation of Latin America and the Caribbean,” added the former president on Twitter.

The presence of Ripe in Buenos Aires, which has never been officially confirmed, had generated great controversy in Argentina and the repudiation of several faces of the main opposition coalition, which even promoted complaints against the president to investigate the alleged violations of human rights in Venezuela.

In addition, groups of Venezuelans living in Argentina They called for protests before the eventual arrival of Maduro in Buenos Aires, mobilizations that continue this Tuesday, despite the absence of the president.

The VII Celac Summit brings together representatives of the 33 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean this Tuesday at the central Sheraton hotel in Buenos Aires.

Source: Elcomercio

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