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US Ambassador to the OAS supports dialogue in Peru and supports Dina Boluarte

US Ambassador to the OAS supports dialogue in Peru and supports Dina Boluarte

US Ambassador to the OAS supports dialogue in Peru and supports Dina Boluarte

The United States ambassador to the OAS, Francisco Mora, said Thursday that he supports a dialogue in Peru and assured that the Government of the Peruvian president, Dina Boluarteis committed to finding a way out of the crisis that the country is going through.

“USA. is committed to supporting the Peruvian government, not only in dialogue, but in supporting and making sure that they are investigated.” the deaths registered in the protests in the country, which have been going on for several weeks.

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Blackberrywho presented his credentials before the OAS last week, he also reiterated his support for the Boluarte government and pointed out the importance of “find a political way out of the crisis through dialogue”.

To date, according to data from the Peruvian Ombudsman’s Office, 46 people who participated in the protests have died in the clashes, while a police officer died after being burned alive by protesters.

To these victims, there are now ten deaths in events related to roadblocks and one death that occurred in the northern region of La Libertad, confirmed by the Peruvian Police.

The president boluarte spoke on Tuesday before the OAS virtually, where he ratified his proposal to advance the general elections in his country, as a way to achieve a “peaceful” solution to the serious social and political crisis unleashed since last December.

Protesters demand the resignation of boluarte and the closure of Congress, as well as the calling of general elections for this year and a constituent assembly.

The president assumed the reins of the country last December, after a failed coup attempt by former president Pedro Castillo.

Source: Elcomercio

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