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Valentina Trespalacios: video of John Poulos would incriminate him with the murder of the DJ

Valentina Trespalacios: video of John Poulos would incriminate him with the murder of the DJ

Valentina Trespalacios: video of John Poulos would incriminate him with the murder of the DJ

Within the investigation that the authorities are carrying out against John Poulos, who is the main suspect in the murder of the 21-year-old DJ Valentina Trespalaciosa video was revealed in which the American leaves the young woman’s apartment with a market cart, which has a suitcase inside.

According to the magazine Weekmedium that revealed the clip, in the suitcase was allegedly the lifeless body of Trespalaciosbecause it would be the same one where the body was found hours later in a park in the town of Fontibón.

Look: John Poulos, accused of murdering DJ Valentina Trespalacios, is already in Bogotá

Because the suitcase was apparently small, Poulos would have covered the victim’s head with a gray blanket, which was also found next to the body in a garbage container, according to the aforementioned media.

The American would also have gone down to the basement of the building at least three times, carrying other belongings that he had brought up to the apartment with the young woman the night before the murder, since the DJ was in the process of moving.

Security cameras captured the alleged murderer from the door of apartment 802 to the parking lot, in where he put the suitcase in the trunk of a gray car and left.

This is the moment when John Poulos throws Valentina Trespalacios’ suitcase into the car. (Private file/)

Subsequently, according to investigations, Poulos got out in the vehicle and traveled more than eight kilometers until reaching the town of Fontibónwhere he would have decided to leave the suitcase with the body of the young woman.

The next thing the American would have done was go to 26th Street and hand over the vehicle he had rented. To get to El Dorado airporthe would have thrown Trespalacios’ cell phone in the trash, which was later picked up by a security guard.

In the clips Poulos is seen walking without any problem through the air terminal, presenting his documents and leaving for Panama, where days later he was captured.

the arrest warrant

John Poulos in Bogota.

John Poulos in Bogota. (Cesar Melgarejo/)

Poulos, a US national, was detained this Tuesday, January 24, by the Panamanian police under an administrative order.

The night of the following day, the suspect in the DJ’s murder arrived in Bogotá, where the authorities issued the arrest warrant against him for aggravated homicide and the crime of obstruction, modification and disappearance of probative material elements.

In the first examinations of Trespalacios’ corpse, it was established that his death was caused by a ‘pressure groove in the hyoid region’, commonly known as hanging, apparently with a rope.

key testimony

About 15 hours before Poulos allegedly murdered the young woman, on the morning of Saturday, January 21, one of her friends saw the DJ for the last time at a presentation at the Nexxus bar, in El Restrepo, at 4 in the morning.

The testimony of Valentina’s friend indicated that the couple would have been arguing all night over issues related to “jealousy”. Apparently, Poulos would have claimed her on several occasions because she did not present him as her partner or give him the place that corresponded to him, according to her version.

However, another of her friends, and a witness in the case, said that this would not be the first time that the man had such aggressive behavior with Trespalacios, since on repeated occasions, through video calls, the couple argued over the same topic. However, the woman confirmed that Poulos had three children in the United States and, apparently, a woman, with whom he would also have had a romantic relationship in the past and who was still present in her life.

Source: Elcomercio

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