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What the document says about the plan prepared by Russia to absorb Belarus in 2030

What the document says about the plan prepared by Russia to absorb Belarus in 2030

What the document says about the plan prepared by Russia to absorb Belarus in 2030

According to a leaked document from the president’s office Vladimir Putinthe annexation of belarus to Russia has a date: the year 2030.

Said document, titled “Strategic goals of the Russian Federation in the Belarusian direction”, was prepared in 2021 and is in the possession of the Dossier Centerof the former Russian oligarch and opponent in exile Mikhail Khodorkovskyand has been disclosed by various European media.

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The plan was published by outlets including Yahoo News, Sweden’s Expressen newspaper, Germany’s Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper and Ukraine’s Kyiv Independent newspaper.

The EFE agency details that the document was developed by the Kremlin with him Foreign Espionage Service, the Federal Security Service (FSB), military intelligence (GUR) and the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko attend the closing ceremony of the 2019 European Games in Minsk. (Photo by Sergei GAPON / AFP). (SERGEI GAPON /)

This is the detailed plan of Russia to absorb to belarus gradually:

According to the document, by 2022 the “formation of pro-Russian sentiments in the political and military elites and in the population” of belarusas well as “limiting the influence of ‘nationalist’ and pro-Western forces in Belarus”, in addition to promoting changes in the Constitution of belarus to make it more pro-Russia.

“The Kremlin was going to adapt the Belarusian legislation to the Russian one, manage the foreign policy of the republic in the interests of Russia, increase the military presence on the territory of Belarus, achieve supremacy of the Russian language over Belarusian and give Russian citizenship to the Belarusians. It was planned to achieve all these goals in nine years, by 2030″says the investigation of the Dossier Center.

It should be noted that in 2022 Belarus held a referendum to remove its status as a non-nuclear country. The West saw this as a concession to Putin.

Russia also expanded its military presence in belarus. He did it in 2021 with the excuse of carrying out joint military exercises, something that was the prelude to the start of the war in Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

“In addition to harmonizing trade and economic relations, Russia plans to establish control over the military-political sector of Belarus by 2030.”indicates the Dossier Center.

By 2025, the document says, there should also be a greater Russian military presence in belarusan easier way for Belarusian citizens to obtain Russian passports and “sustainable pro-Russian influence groups in Belarusian politics, military and business”.

And by 2030, Russia should have “control of the information space” in belarus.

The location of Belarus.  (AFP).

The location of Belarus. (AFP).

According to the document, education would also become “a tool” of Russia in Belarus, since by 2030 it would be intended to open unified points of the state exam to access the university.

“In addition, the Kremlin plans to open new science and culture centers in Moguilov, Grodno and Vitebsk,” adds Centro Dossier.

The EFE news agency recalled that Russia and belarus They signed the treaty to create a State Union on political and economic integration at the end of the 1990s, but it was in 2019 when both parties agreed on 28 programs that were signed by the Russian and Belarusian president, Vladimir Putin and Alexandr Lukashenko, in November of 2021.

Most of them refer to economic issues, such as the harmonization of customs, tax, labor and pension laws, the integration of monetary systems, or the creation of single markets in the field of energy and common policies in the industrial and agricultural sectors. .

This video grab released by the Russian Defense Ministry on February 4, 2022 shows soldiers from Belarus during joint exercises with Russian troops.  (AFP).

This video grab released by the Russian Defense Ministry on February 4, 2022 shows soldiers from Belarus during joint exercises with Russian troops. (AFP). (HANDOUT/)

lukashenkogiven the fear of some Belarusians of losing sovereignty, has stressed on several occasions that this will not happen and that belarus it will not be absorbed by Russia.

To put the disclosure in context, the European press mentioned the strategy that is being carried out Russia in the parts of Ukraine that has occupied, as the removal of any hint of Ukrainian life and culture, including the introduction of Russian passports and moneythe replacement of Ukrainian politicians with Russian-backed figures and the removal of Ukrainian textbooks, among other actions.

Michael Carpenter, US ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, told Yahoo News that “Russia’s goals with regard to Belarus are the same as with Ukraine.”

“Only in belarus it is based on coercion rather than war. His ultimate goal remains the incorporation of the country,” he added.

Source: Elcomercio

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