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A baby dies after a shipwreck off the coast of Tunisia

A baby dies after a shipwreck off the coast of Tunisia

A baby dies after a shipwreck off the coast of Tunisia

A baby died after the precarious boat in which he was trying to cross the Mediterranean with 25 people on board, all of whom were rescued, was shipwrecked off the Tunisian coast of Sfax (south), the spokesman for the Sfax court, Fawzi El Masmoudi, informed Efe.

This is the third fatal shipwreck in 24 hours, which adds at least six deaths and 62 people unaccounted for while another 35 have survived; all of them originating from sub saharan africa.

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Some thirty Tunisian organizations today accused the Ministry of Interior of repression against humanitarian campaigns to help migrants after the president Kais Said accuse them of being part of a plot to change the demography and “Arab-Muslim” identity of the country.

According to the spokesman for Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights (FTDES)Romdhane Ben Amor, since the beginning of the year the security forces have intercepted about 10,000 migrants compared to 3,000 during the same period last year.

This surge in arrivals on the Italian coast, 150 kilometers away, coincides with a campaign of arrests and xenophobic attacks against sub-Saharan citizens after the president’s speech, which defended not being racist “because he has African friends” and accused his detractors of twisting his words to harm the country.

Following criticism from the international community, the Government announced measures to facilitate legal residence and voluntary repatriation as well as a helpline.

However, hundreds of them, mostly from Ivory Coast and Guineahave requested voluntary return to their respective countries after having lost their jobs -often informal- and, in some cases, having been expelled from their homes by their owners.

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Source: Elcomercio

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