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Evo Morales asks Arce to “distance” the orthodox from the Bolivian economy

The former president and leader of the Movement for Socialism (MAS), Evo Moralesasked this Sunday the president of bolivianLuis Arce, “move the orthodox” away from the country’s economy and insisted on calls for “unity” within the ruling party in the face of recent tensions.

In the town of Ivirgarzama, in the Tropic region in the department of Cochabamba (center), the party celebrates its 28th anniversary in a soccer stadium named after Moraleswith the participation of the president, Luis Maplethe vice president, David Choquehuanca, the leaders of Parliament and the different social organizations related to the MAS.

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The event started late due to the rain Morales “it was the greatest blessing” as a prelude that in 2025 “again” go “to win the elections.”

“The MAS is the largest political movement in the entire history of boliviansaid Morales and highlighted the presence of Mapleof Choquehuanca and of the other authorities and economic and social unions.

He then ironically asked the crowd to shout “I fight, I fight” because they could lose their job”, with which he wanted to downplay the differences in the party and urge the “unit”.

The anniversary of the MAS comes amid strong internal tensions that have generated the formation of two blocs, the “evista”, which supports Moralesand the “archists” or “renovators”, who defend Maple.

Morales also reviewed the events that led to the creation of the MAS in 1997, highlighted the political, economic and social achievements during his almost 14 years in office and urged reflection on the issues that must be redirected in view of the elections of 2025.


Throughout his speech, Morales He questioned, as he did before, the management of several of the ministries and said that they should read article eight of the Constitution, which states that “The State assumes and promotes as ethical principlesmoral of plural society: ama qhilla, ama llulla, ama suwa (don’t be lazy, don’t be a liar or a thief)”.

“There is not much economic movement, we are not as before, it is important to review and improve public management,” said Morales as he did a week ago at another event where he was also Maplewhen he stated that bolivian “It’s not so good financially.”

Morales He asked “brother Lucho president that he has to improve his Cabinet to carry out good political management” and that the orthodox must be removed from the economic team, conservatives who, under the pretext of lowering inflation, only submit to the fiscal discipline of the Monetary Fund International”.

By “take care of the macroeconomy” it is “punishing small producers and poor people”he added.

The former president considered that “it is important that there is no inflation”but “you have to inject economic movement, money, small and medium works “ and warned that “an austerity policy is coming”.


Morales insisted that unity is not “This is a fighter inside and this is Evista outside”, that “it is not building unity”in reference to politicians from the “archist” wing who are asking for a renewal in the leadership of the MAS.

“Some of our comrades speaking against Evo just like the gringos (…) let’s reflect, let’s not get into that game of being apolitical under the pretext of renewal,” he pointed Morales.

He insisted to the militancy that we must “be united against the main enemy (the empire), not campaign against Evo or against the leaders” and not persecute “comrades, united by the country.”

On the other hand, Morales He also referred to Runasur, the international platform of social and indigenous movements that he promotes, and said that they are in a “campaign against the moral, criminal Monroe doctrine” and cited various headlines to point out again the interests of the “empire” in the natural resources of the country.

before the words of Moralesthe president of Bolivia defended the “pluralism of ideas” and “ideological unity” and stressed that “it is healthy that there are differences.”

Source: Elcomercio

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