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The UN asks the United States not to impose a rule that restricts asylum

The UN asks the United States not to impose a rule that restricts asylum

The UN asks the United States not to impose a rule that restricts asylum

The Agency of the UN for Refugees (UNHCR) on Monday urged the Government of USA not to impose a rule that would restrict the access of thousands of people to asylum at the border.

The rule, introduced by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in February and which is now in the public evaluation period, would prevent those who have crossed through a third country and have not applied for protection there from obtaining it later in USA.

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As proposed, the regulation would restrict the fundamental human right to seek asylum”, UNHCR said in a statement.

If implemented, the agency stressed, the regulation could lead to the return of people to situations where their lives and safety are at risk, “something that is prohibited under international law”.

The intention of the President’s Administration Joe Biden of imposing this restriction on the border has raised criticism from both legislators and other organizations in defense of human rights.

The influential Democratic senator Bob Menendezalong with three other congressmen, asked the government in February to reverse its plans.

If the now-questioned rule enters into force, it would be one of the most restrictive immigration measures in the entire term of Biden, who promised during his campaign to revoke the restrictive policies of the Administration of donald trump (2017-2021).

The intention of the White House with this rule is “fill the legal vacuum” that will arise after the possible end next May of Title 42, a health regulation that allows the hot returns of migrants at the border.

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He Title 42 is part of the public health law of 1944 and authorizes, temporarily, the expulsion of foreigners for health reasons.

The Government of the then Republican President Trump resorted to that rule in March 2020, at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. covid-19and Biden has decided to extend and expand it on several occasions when it was about to expire.

However, with the pandemic now over, the Democratic Executive has indicated that it will lift Title 42 on May 11, when the public health emergency declared by the coronavirus.

Source: Elcomercio

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