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Petro will convene an international conference in Colombia for Venezuelan dialogue

Petro will convene an international conference in Colombia for Venezuelan dialogue

Petro will convene an international conference in Colombia for Venezuelan dialogue

Colombian President, Gustavo Petroinformed this Tuesday that he is going to convene a “international conference” to advance the political dialogue between “society and the Venezuelan government”, without mentioning the opposition.

I will summon in Colombia an international conference with the objective of building the road map that allows effective political dialogue between society and the Venezuelan Government”, the president said briefly, in a message on his Twitter account.

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The conference will be held in Bogotapossibly “for the days after Easter”, as detailed by the Presidency, and the presence of the Venezuelan president, Nicolas Madurois not yet confirmed, although it is not ruled out.

In addition, there will be guests from Europe, Latin America and USA and in the meeting Petro “will seek a direct dialogue with the Venezuelan opposition”, as reported by the Presidency.

This meeting aimsreopen roads and build a road map to stimulate and support dialogue between the Venezuelan opposition, civil society of that country and the Government of Venezuela”.

The talks between the Venezuelan government and the opposition are stalled after the meeting at a dialogue table in Mexicowhich was also announced by Petro, who seeks to establish himself as a mediator in the crisis in the neighboring country.

Petro just met Maduro last week in Caracasin its fourth meeting since Colombia and Venezuela they resumed diplomatic relations, but the dialogues with the opposition did not transcend among the issues they addressed, although it was dealt with, as the Presidency now reports.

The announcement coincides with the celebration in Washington of the High Level Dialogue between Colombia and the US, in which issues such as cooperation on migration, the fight against drug trafficking and the fight against the climate crisis have been addressed, as well as the visit of the Venezuelan opponent Leopoldo Lopezwho spoke before the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee today.

The last meeting between the Government and the Venezuelan opposition grouped in the unitary platform (PU) was last November in Mexico, where there was little progress.

Now the anti-Chavista opposition demands the return “immediate” to the negotiating table, in order to achieve the cessation of the “violation of human rights and looting to which the Venezuelan people are subjected”.

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For his part, Maduro has questioned the return to dialogue, considering that there are no certainties or guarantees on the part of the anti-Chavistas for the negotiation.

The president accused the Unitary Platform of breaking its word by not specifying the Second Partial Agreement for the Protection of the Venezuelan Peoplesigned in November by both parties and which contemplates the recovery of resources retained in the international financial system due to the blockade.

In addition, Venezuela accuses the US of putting obstacles to progress in the agreement and the parties continue to see ways to reach the agreement, which consists, for example, in the creation of a trust fund managed by United Nations to invest in areas such as health and education.

Source: Elcomercio

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