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Stormy Daniels, Alvin Bragg, Clark Brewster: Three Personalities Who Want to Topple Trump

Historical case. Donald Trump, the first president to be indicted in 250 years of democracy in the United States, is expected to stand trial on Tuesday in a suspicious deal case during the 2016 presidential campaign. The political and judicial earthquake he owes, in part, to three personalities: adult film actress Stormy Daniels, her attorney Clark Brewster, and Democratic attorney Alvin Bragg. Three very different profiles, but with a common goal: to push the unruly ex-president to the answer in a file with new springs.

Stormy Daniels, the pebble in Trump’s shoe

She is the star of this novel and a pebble in Trump’s shoe. For several years now, porn actress Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, has been telling anyone who is willing to listen to her that she spent the night with Donald Trump in the summer of 2006. Trump was then just a wealthy real estate tycoon, married to Melania Trump and had just celebrated the birth of Barron, his youngest son.

Donald Trump strongly denies this deception. One thing is for sure: Shortly before the 2016 presidential election, Stormy Daniels received $130,000 to keep her silence. The existence of this deal became known in 2018. Since then, the actress has taken the opportunity to mock the former head of state in the media and on Twitter, going so far as to give him the nickname “Tiny” (“very small”, in French), in reference to his anatomy.

Litigation with the media will now be played out in court. The discovery of the payment by Stormy Daniels prompted a criminal charge against Trump, with the amount omitted from the Republican candidate’s campaign bills, in violation of state election laws, and recorded as “legal expenses” in the accounts of his New York-headquartered company. . Enough to shed some light on this new Trump foe, who also considered running for the US Senate in 2010.

Alvin Bragg, Progressive Attorney

New York State Attorney for Manhattan jurisdiction Alvin Bragg will also give Donald Trump some grain to grind. A member of the Democratic Party, the first African American to hold office, he is particularly known for putting pressure on white-collar workers and financial criminals. Enough to infuriate Republican conservatives, including in New York.

Elvin Bragg has already attacked the Trump empire, winning last January that the Trump Organization family business was convicted of $1.6 million in financial and tax fraud. Donald Trump was not prosecuted in this case, but regularly called Alvin Bragg “racist” and “leftist.”

Clark Brewster, highly critical Trump lawyer

“No one is above the law,” he thunders on Twitter. Oklahoma lawyer Clark Brewster calls himself a criminal defense specialist and has represented Stormy Daniels in all his cases since 2019.

An American lawyer is rampantly critical of Donald Trump on social media. Following the storming of the Capitol on January 6, 2021, Clark Brewster transmitted tweet a colleague calling the former president a “psychopath”, and even made a repost calling for him to be held accountable.

That doesn’t mean he welcomes Donald Trump’s indictment Thursday in a suspicious transaction case. It’s “not a cause for celebration,” he responded, still on Twitter. “The hard work and conscience of the grand jury must be respected. Now let truth and justice prevail,” he continued.

Source: Le Parisien

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