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AMLO will visit the border after the fire in Ciudad Juárez that killed 39 migrants

AMLO will visit the border after the fire in Ciudad Juárez that killed 39 migrants

AMLO will visit the border after the fire in Ciudad Juárez that killed 39 migrants

The Mexican President, Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorannounced that he will visit this Friday Juarez Cityon the northern border, after the fire who killed 39 migrants on Monday, although he evaded answering whether he will meet with the injured.

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“I will be attending to the medical part, basically, what matters most to me is the attention to the wounded. I don’t know (if I’m going to visit the victims), but yes I am going to have a meeting with the doctors to ensure that they do not lack anythingthat we can save their lives, now is the fundamental thing ”, Indian.

In his daily press conference, the president indicated that he will ask the doctors “A review of all the wounded so that they do not lack anything.”

His statements come as scrutiny over the Government of Mexico after the fire on Monday at a immigration station in National Institute of Migration (INM) in Juarez Cityon the border with USA.

In state custody there were almost 70 migrants from Guatemala, El Salvador, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela held for deportation.

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Among the 39 deceased migrants there are six Hondurans, seven Salvadorans, 18 Guatemalans, one Colombian and seven Venezuelans.

While among the 28 injured there are five from El Salvador, 10 from Guatemalaeight of Honduras and five of Venezuela.

Lopez Obrador I affirm that “They are in insurance clinics, also in a public hospital, in a state hospital ISSSTE (Institute of Social Security at the Service of State Workers)”.

“They are being cared for, support is being given so that they do not lack anything, but anyway I am going today and they are going with me and the Secretary of Health, Jorge Alcocer, and Zoé Robledo, director of Social Security, are going to stay there,” asserted.

For the fact, there are five detainees since this Thursday, including three officials of the INMtwo private guards and the person who started the fire.

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“About this misfortune, we have to ask the prosecution to act, there is no impunity. That is the difference with other governments, we are not going to hide the truth, we are not going to protect anyone, but it is very painful”, manifested.

Criticism about the responsibility of the Government has increased because leaked security videos show impassive agents while detained migrants asked them to open the door, and compatriots of the victims have denounced that the tragedy “could be avoided.”

López Obrador affirmed that the death of these migrants is the second most painful episode of his president, after the explosion of a clandestine gasoline pipeline in Tlahuelilpan, Hidalgo, which left 137 deaths in 2019.

“This (fire of migrants) moved me, it broke my soul, and it helps me to face this pain that we have been doing a lot for migrants. Since I arrived there is evidence that I have been ‘hard and hit it’, asking the Government of USA that migrants be cared for”held.

Source: Elcomercio

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