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Maduro: “Arrested for embezzlement from PDVSA had orgies in clubs in Caracas”

After the corruption scandal in Venezuela due to the embezzlement in the state-owned PDVSA, the president Nicolas Maduro He assured that some of the detainees, in addition to leading the life of the rich and luxuries, had “orgies” in the Country Club of Caracas, a wealthy area of ​​the Capital.

In a television broadcast, Maduro insisted that the detainees, who add up to 19, are applying the “denunciation” and that soon more details of the plot will be known and more people will be investigated, most public officials or members of their government.

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It has managed to capture a part of the wealth, mansions where they had orgies (…), here and there, at the Country Club, where they had terrible orgies. All this will have to be told (and) when we get past this first phase (…) we will be able to show the assets”, the head of state stated.

Maduro “regretted” the fact and assured that he felt “outraged” by the events that, according to him, occurred in full sanctions imposed by the United States, which made the development of the Venezuelan economy more difficult.

The Public Ministry had already announced that there was a prostitution network headed by the former deputy of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, Hugbel Roa. Four women who are fugitives would be linked to him

“This blow that we have given is just the first of many that we are going to give against the entrenched gangs of mafiosi wherever they are. We are not going to stop,” Maduro replied during the broadcast, to later not refer to the subject anymore.

Source: Elcomercio

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