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Argentina: Minister Sergio Berni was attacked by bus drivers

Argentina: Minister Sergio Berni was attacked by bus drivers

Argentina: Minister Sergio Berni was attacked by bus drivers

Several bus drivers protesting the murder of a colleague in the town of The slaughterin the province of Buenos AiresThey pushed into a corner and threw stones and other elements at the provincial Security Minister, Sergio Berniwho managed to withdraw from the place shielded by the Police.

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The anger of the drivers awoke because a driver of the line 620 was killed early Monday morning when thieves got into the vehicle to steal and were confronted by a police officer who was traveling in the unit while driving down The slaughter.

Bernie He addressed the roadblocks that the protesting drivers were making on the avenue General Peace (which separates the Argentine capital from the province of Buenos Aires) and route 3, which was added to the decision of a strike in the entire western zone of the Greater Buenos Airesinformed by the union of the sector, the Automotive Tramway Union (UTA).

The Minister of Security, who was accompanied by the Minister of Transport, Jorge D’Onofriohe was greeted with shouts by the drivers, who beat him, threw stones and sticks at him, and pushed him into a corner against a wall, where he fell and then got up.

Berniewith the right side of his nose covered in blood, was trapped between the wall, with policemen and journalists making a human shield before the angry drivers.

Berni was attacked with blows, kicks and stones by a group of bus drivers enraged by the death of one of their companions in an assault during the early hours of this Monday. Bus driver Daniel Barrientos, 65, was shot and killed by two assailants who boarded the bus he was driving. (Photo by Andrés Pelozo / AFP) (ANDRES PELOZO /)

The protesters yelled at himliar” and “motherfucker” and they reminded him of the broken promises of years ago, after the murder from another driver on the same line, in 2018.

The minister, dressed in a black jacket from the Ministery of securityhe said “I’m here, guys”; “If I’m here it’s because I’m interested”but the drivers kept yelling at him.

“Let’s talk”, Bernie repeated.

“You want to fix everything in the office and you lie to us. Speak in front of the camerasthey yelled at him.

For more than half an hour, the Minister of Security of the Provincial Government of the Peronist Axel Kicillof He was against the wall, where they also threw plastic bottles and pieces of tomatoes and splashes of dirt on his head.

The security minister of the province of Buenos Aires, Sergio Berni (L), is being protected and taken away by policemen after being beaten by a group of bus drivers who were protesting the murder of a colleague in La Matanza, on the outskirts western.  Buenos Aires, on April 3, 2023. (Photo by Andrés Pelozo / AFP)

The security minister of the province of Buenos Aires, Sergio Berni (L), is being protected and taken away by policemen after being beaten by a group of bus drivers who were protesting the murder of a colleague in La Matanza, on the outskirts western. Buenos Aires, on April 3, 2023. (Photo by Andrés Pelozo / AFP) (ANDRES PELOZO /)

Yes ok Bernie insisted on speaking with the demonstrators, police officers from the city of Buenos Aires with shields and sticks they clear the way to withdraw it; and the police presence got out of control the protesters who were throwing glass, bottles, stones.

A police shield dragged the minister, covered in a bicycle helmet, to a car in which he left the scene.

The drivers remained in the area, who declared that they feel “fear” when they enter the neighborhoods: “They kill us like a rat”, he would say, insulting not only the minister but also the mayor of La Matanza, fernando espinoza.

“Justice, justice, justice”they chanted, as well as “Everyone leaves. Let there not be a single one.”

Source: Elcomercio

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