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Donald Trump arrives at Trump Tower amid great expectations for his judicial situation

Donald Trump arrives at Trump Tower amid great expectations for his judicial situation

Donald Trump arrives at Trump Tower amid great expectations for his judicial situation

Former US President donald trump He arrived this Monday at the skyscraper he owns in New York, the Trump Tower, amid great expectation, when there are only hours left before he appears in court tomorrow for the judge to read the charges.

Trump arrived at New York’s La Guardia Airport at 3:30 p.m. local time, and after a few minutes of preparations he was seen going down the steps of the plane alone, dressed in his usual blue suit with a red tie.

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As soon as he got off the plane, he got into a van that, escorted by a dozen secret service or police vehicles, headed for downtown Manhattan via the Queens neighborhood and then Harlem.

An ambulance was following the convoy throughout the journey.

Trump entered the skyscraper that bears his name on foot and waved to the people waiting in the street.

Former United States President Donald Trump greeted his followers as soon as he arrived at the tower that bears his name in New York (Photo: EFE/EPA/JUSTIN LANE)

A few minutes before his arrival, the thirty supporters who were waiting for him in front of Trump Tower, with abundant flags and Trumpist paraphernalia, began to shout “USA, USA, USA” every time a vehicle appeared nearby.

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If the followers only added up to thirty, the journalists who had been guarding the place since morning numbered several hundred, separated from the building by several metal fence barriers.

While the major US television networks were broadcasting Trump’s arrival in New York live, US President Joe Biden was giving a speech in Minnesota at a Cummins plant, which manufactures fuel and generation systems Of electricity.

Biden has yet to officially announce whether he will run for re-election in 2024, although he has said he intends to, while Donald Trump is currently the Republican candidate with the highest popularity ratings.

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Source: Elcomercio

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