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President of Taiwan denounces in Belize the constant “threats” of China

President of Taiwan denounces in Belize the constant “threats” of China

President of Taiwan denounces in Belize the constant “threats” of China

The president of taiwan, Tsai Ing-wendenounced this Monday the constants “threats” of Chinaspeaking before the National Assembly of Belize, the last leg of a Central American tour aimed at reaffirming alliances.

Tsai said the island faces “constant threats and pressure from the neighbor on the other side of the Strait of taiwan (China)”, because Taipei’s relations with the “democracies around the world have grown strongly in recent years”.

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The president regretted that Taiwan “continues to be excluded from participating in international organizations and from serving as a productive member of the international community”, due to the Chinese opposition, and maintained that Belize is the main “lawyer” against the exclusion of the island.

Belize has helped give a voice to Taiwan’s 23 million people”, he expressed.

Tsai’s tour, which previously took her to Guatemalatakes place one week after Honduras break ties with Taiwan and establish diplomatic ties with China.

After this break, only 13 countries recognize Taiwan. Under the principle of “One China”, Beijing it does not allow any country to have diplomatic ties with them and with the Taiwanese at the same time.

After Tsai’s speech, Belizean Prime Minister John Briceño handed her a folder with a resolution passed by the Belize National Assembly in support of Taiwan’s inclusion in the international community.

This is a historic day, because you, Madam President, have crossed oceans to come to our place to celebrate these values. [democráticos]strengthen our collaboration and reaffirm our commitment to the prosperity of our peoplesBriceno said.

In Guatemala, Tsai vowed Sunday that “Taiwan will continue to assist the sustained and substantial development of its diplomatic allies”.

Meanwhile, the president of the House of Representatives of USAthe republican kevin mccarthysaid Monday that he will meet with Tsai in the state of California on Wednesday, a meeting that China considered a provocation.

MORE INFORMATION: China warns Taiwan-US meeting would be “serious provocation”

China regards the democratically and self-governing island as a rebel province that is part of its territory, which it hopes to one day recapture even without ruling out force.

Latin America it has been contested ground since Taiwan and China parted ways in 1949, at the end of the Chinese civil war. The communists seized power in mainland China, while the nationalists retreated to Taiwan.

Source: Elcomercio

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