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US says Lula “parrots” Russian war propaganda

US says Lula “parrots” Russian war propaganda

US says Lula “parrots” Russian war propaganda

The government of USA affirmed this Monday that the Brazilian president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silvahas been “repeating like a parrot” the propaganda of Russia and China about the war in Ukraine And he hasn’t even stopped to study “the facts”.

It is deeply problematic how Brazil has addressed this issue both substantively and rhetorically by suggesting that USA and Europe somehow they are not interested in peace or that they share responsibility for war“, said John Kirbyone of the spokesmen for the White House.

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At that point, Brazil is parroting Russian and Chinese propaganda, paying absolutely no attention to the facts.”, he added.

Kirby positioned himself like this when asked about the latest statements by Lula, who last week was visiting China and United Arab Emirates and from BeijingI affirm that USA must stop “encourage” the war in Ukraine and “start talking about peace”.

This Sunday, from Abu Dhabithe Brazilian leader insisted on these criticisms by pointing to the United States, as well as the European Unionfor being “contributing” to the continuation of the war.

Lula, who has tried to maintain a neutral stance in the conflict, also recently said that the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskythe possibility of definitively ceding the peninsula to Russia must be considered. crimeathat Moscow it was annexed in 2014.

Kirby considered this Monday that this proposal is “wrong”and questioned that it was suggested by a country like Brazil, which recalled that it had voted to defend the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity in the United Nations General Assembly.

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Lula, in power since January 1, met with his US counterpart, Joe Biden, at the White House on February 10 and both then spoke about the Brazilian’s proposal to create a group – integrated among others by the United States , Germany, FranceBrazil, IndiaChina – to mediate in the conflict.

The Brazilian president has insisted in recent days on the creation of this group, which he has described as a “G20 for peace”.

Source: Elcomercio

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