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Petro refuses to wear a tailcoat in Spain “because it has to do with elites and anti-democracy”

Petro refuses to wear a tailcoat in Spain “because it has to do with elites and anti-democracy”

Petro refuses to wear a tailcoat in Spain “because it has to do with elites and anti-democracy”

The president of Colombia, Gustavo Petrodeclined this Wednesday to wear a tailcoat at the gala dinner that the kings of Spain they offered him and his wife, Veronica Alcocerin the Royal Palace of Madrid when arguing that it is a garment that “it has to do with elites and anti-democracy”.

Like Petro, no man from the Colombian delegation that accompanies him on his state visit to Madrid he wore the highest-label men’s garment, reserved for special events.

LOOK HERE: Petro calls on the Colombian people to mobilize for the “reforms of change”

I don’t feel comfortable with the tie or the tailcoat (…). It is a symbol that has to do with elites, with anti-democracy. I’m not going to wear that”, argued the Colombian president in an interview with W Radio de Colombia after his arrival in Madrid, to justify his refusal to comply with the dress code for gala dinners at the Royal Palace.

Petro, 63, today wore a dark suit and tie and wore the Grand Cross of the Order of Elizabeth the Catholicdecoration granted by the Spanish Government, on the occasion of his visit.

The first left-wing president of the Andean country emulated his countryman Gabriel Garcia Marquezwho in 1982, when he received the Nobel Prize for Literaturerefused to wear the black tailcoat required by the Swedish Academy and wore a white liquilique, a garment similar to a guayabera.

The king Felipe VIthe president of the Government, Pedro Sanchezand the other Spanish authorities did visit a tailcoat, with the jacket, vest and bow tie that characterize it.

In the case of women, the protocol for dinner was a long dress and, as usual in this type of event, the queen wore a diamond tiara.

In it Gala dining room About 110 guests gathered at the Royal Palace, including the Prime Minister, the socialist Pedro Sánchez, several ministers from his cabinet and the leader of the main opposition party, the conservative Alberto Núñez Feijóo (PP).

The four ministers who accompany Petro in Madrid were part of the Colombian delegation: Commerce; Education; Transportation and Mines.

Among the businessmen were the presidents of telephone, Repsol, ohl, sacyry and Indraamong others, as well as that of the CEOE, Antonio Garamendi.

MORE INFORMATION: Gustavo Petro announces change of seven of his ministers: “Today a new cabinet is being built”

On the occasion of the visit, the king and queen gave Petro and his wife a set of three crystal chandeliers from the Royal Factory of La Granja, near Madrid, a silver frame with a photograph of them and a sheet entitled “The roofs of Madrid”.

The Colombian couple presented the king with a typical Colombian vueltiao hat, a book on the natural parks of the Andean country and a pair of cufflinks; to the queen, some emerald jewelry and a tray; and his daughters, the princess Eleanor already the infant Sofiatwo indigenous backpacks.

Source: Elcomercio

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