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Nearly 400 killed by floods in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Almost 400 bodies were found in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo after the floods and landslides caused by the heavy rains on Thursday, according to a balance released on Sunday by a local official.

We have found more than 390 bodies“, said thomas bakengaadministrator of the territory of kaleheWhere are the affected towns?

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Since Thursday we find bodies every minute and bury them”, he added.

A provisional official balance communicated on Friday night by the authorities of the province of South Kivu reported 176 deaths.

On Thursday night, the rivers nyamukubi and Chishova they overflowed due to heavy rains, washing away everything in their path.

The victims lack everything. According to Bakenga, “the provincial government sent a ship full of food, tarpaulins and medicines”.

The central government announced on Friday the sending of a “Government mission to support the provincial administration in managing this catastrophe” and decreed a day of national mourning on Monday.

The organization Doctors without borders (MSF) said it deployed an emergency team on Saturday.

MORE INFORMATION: Pope Francis condemned the “cruel atrocities, which dishonor humanity” in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

This catastrophe occurred two days after floods that left at least 131 dead and destroyed thousands of houses in neighboring Rwanda.

The head of the UN Anthony Guterreshe said Saturday on a visit to Burundi that this was “a new example of the acceleration of climate change and its dramatic consequences for countries that are not responsible for warming” of the planet.

Source: Elcomercio

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