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More than 150,000 migrants are concentrated on the US-Mexico border before the end of Title 42: What will happen now under Title 8?

More than 150,000 migrants are concentrated on the US-Mexico border before the end of Title 42: What will happen now under Title 8?

More than 150,000 migrants are concentrated on the US-Mexico border before the end of Title 42: What will happen now under Title 8?

The migratory pressure towards USA It has increased considerably in recent days. Thousands of migrants waited this Tuesday in the northern states of Mexico hoping to cross into US territory. This record of arrivals is due to the fact that this May 11 the application of Title 42, which was implemented during the coronavirus pandemic to regulate undocumented migration, comes to an end. The regulation that will be in force as of Thursday will be Title 8 and the migrants are hopeful that, when they cross into the United States, they will be able to stay.

CNN, based on federal sources, estimated that Some 152,000 migrants are on the Mexican side waiting to cross into the United States.

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Only in Chihuahua there would be about 60,000 migrants, in Tamaulipas 35,000 and in Cohauila 25,000, according to CNN.

A boy looks through the border wall that separates Mexico from the United States in Tijuana. (REUTERS/Mike Blake)

Meanwhile, the EFE news agency reported that on Monday some 5,000 migrants entered Mexico through Chiapas on its way to the northern border, so the flow will continue to increase these days.

Migrants line up to process their papers in Tapachula, Mexico.  A new wave of nearly 5,000 migrants from various countries arrived in Chiapas this Monday, May 8, 2023.  (EFE/Juan Manuel Blanco).

Migrants line up to process their papers in Tapachula, Mexico. A new wave of nearly 5,000 migrants from various countries arrived in Chiapas this Monday, May 8, 2023. (EFE/Juan Manuel Blanco).

Meanwhile in Step, Texas, many of those who have already managed to cross are camping in the streets of the city centersince the shelters for migrants have already been overwhelmed.

The AFP agency explained that in Step migrants who are on the streets cover themselves from the sun with sheets or rest on cardboard, while many children beg for alms.

Migrants camp near Sacred Heart Church in downtown El Paso, Texas, on May 8, 2023. (Photo by Patrick T. Fallon / AFP)

Migrants camp near Sacred Heart Church in downtown El Paso, Texas, on May 8, 2023. (Photo by Patrick T. Fallon / AFP) (PATRICK T. FALLON /)

daniel morapriest of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in El Paso, told the EFE news agency that “the situation is humanitarian crisis”.

”There are more than a thousand people outside the parish and all the shelters are full to bursting. It is a situation of humanitarian crisis, not only migratory”he assured.

He added that “migrants are staying on the streets sleeping outdoors, with only one meal a day many times and with all the health problems that affect them.”

“The great humanitarian crisis is that migration has stagnated here in Step, because of the fear that people have to continue, and then this great crisis has been generated, ”said Mora. Even people who already have permits “are afraid that they are going to be deported,” she said.

For his part, the mayor of Step, Oscar Leeser, warned that they are preparing for the arrival of many more migrants in the coming days. He made that statement after visiting the Mexican town of Juarez City.

“In the street we calculate that there were between 8,000 and 10,000 people”said Leeser, according to AFP. “There’s a caravan… that will probably be here around May 11, so I’d say the actual number we’ll be dealing with will be somewhere between 12,000 and 15,000.”

Migrants gather in front of the Sacred Heart Church in downtown El Paso, Texas, on May 8, 2023. (Photo by Patrick T. Fallon / AFP).

Migrants gather in front of the Sacred Heart Church in downtown El Paso, Texas, on May 8, 2023. (Photo by Patrick T. Fallon / AFP). (PATRICK T. FALLON /)

Migrants use portable toilets on Wednesday, May 3, 2023, in El Paso, Texas.  (EFE/ Jesus Rosales).

Migrants use portable toilets on Wednesday, May 3, 2023, in El Paso, Texas. (EFE/ Jesus Rosales).

The situation in TijuanaMexico, is similar. “Nothing like this has ever been seen before”, Enrique Lucero, director of Attention to Migrants, told the Reuters agency. “It was believed that this border was totally sealed, that it was very difficult to cross it,” he added.

According to activists from Tijuanagroups of migrants began arriving this week in the border city with San Diego, California, hoping to preempt a possible flood of asylum applications when Title 42 expires.

Migrants gather between the border fences in San Diego, California.. (REUTERS / Aimee Melo).

Migrants gather between the border fences in San Diego, California.. (REUTERS / Aimee Melo).

Some have attempted to cross illegally rather than wait, Reuters reports. “They are getting ahead of themselves because they think that after May 11 there will be more lines to process asylum applications,” said Lucero.

According to the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP), in recent weeks only in the border city of brownsvillein Texasexpulsions of undocumented immigrants have been organized three times a day.

CBP explained that since mid-April they have entered brownsville about 30,000 migrants, mostly from Venezuela. The AP agency explained that this number is much higher than the 1,700 migrants that Border Patrol agents found during the first two weeks of that month.

Faced with this situation, the Texas cities of El Paso, Brownsville and Laredo have declared a state of emergency.

Migrants cross the banks of the Rio Grande to be processed by the Border Patrol in El Paso, Texas, on May 8, 2023. (Photo by HERIKA MARTÍNEZ / AFP).

Migrants cross the banks of the Rio Grande to be processed by the Border Patrol in El Paso, Texas, on May 8, 2023. (Photo by HERIKA MARTÍNEZ / AFP). (HERIKA MARTINEZ /)

Additionally, the Governor of Texas, greg abbott, announced on Monday the deployment of the new Texas Tactical Border Force on the border with Mexico to respond to the growing migration crisis.

Hundreds of National Guard soldiers from Texas they joined the thousands already deployed as part of Operation Lone Star.

“The Texas National Guard is commissioning Blackhawk and C-130 helicopters and deploying specially trained soldiers to the Texas Tactical Border Force, who will be deployed at specific points along the border to help intercept and repel large groups of migrants. attempting to enter Texas illegally”said Abbottwho directly blamed President Joe Biden for the situation at the border.

For its part, the federal government had already announced on May 2 the dispatch of 1,500 soldiers to the border with Mexico to perform administrative tasks for 90 days. These do not have the mission of detaining or processing migrants, but are focused on the detection of narcotics.

Arrests at the US border.  (AFP).

Arrests at the US border. (AFP).

He Title 42 is a section of the Public Health Service Act of 1944, which allows the government to stop the entry of people and imports in order to prevent the introduction of a communicable disease from outside the continental borders of the United States, explained the newspaper The New York Times.

This norm was invoked in March 2020 by the then president donald trump to quickly expel migrants who try to enter the country without documents, under the premise that they USA was in the midst of a health crisis due to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.

Thus, people who were detained at the border were returned to Mexico or sent to their countries of origin.

In March of this year, the Biden government announced that the public health crisis designation will end on May 11, so the application of the Title 42 will come to an end.

The New York Times explained that Title 42 allows border agents to expedite the lengthy procedures it usually takes to process immigrants, including the procedure that allows a person to apply for asylum. Applying Title 42 takes 10 minutes compared to the time it takes to process migrants under current legislation, which can take an hour or more. The rule allows border agents to immediately expel millions of migrants.

“In essence, Title 42 had become the most effective policy to manage a high volume of border crossings without causing the usual overcrowding at border posts, or overwhelming the communities where migrants used to go when they were released”according to the New York Times.

In practice, the Title 42 did not mean the total closure of the border for the undocumented immigrants. While millions were removed, more than 1.8 million were allowed to remain in the country temporarily until they appear in immigration court and, in some cases, argue that they should be granted asylum.

Deaths on the United States-Mexico border.  (AFP).

Deaths on the United States-Mexico border. (AFP).

After the end of Title 42, immigration agents will resort to the usual laws to process the crossings of undocumented immigrants, which takes more time because people can apply for asylum.

One of these legal tools is the Title 8. Under this rule immigrants they will be interviewed by border agents, who must determine if there is a credible reason for fear to stay in the country. If they determine that it does not exist, there will be immediate deportation, according to Telemundo Houston.

If the agents consider that there is a credible reason for fear to remain in the United States, the immigrants must be sent before an immigration judge. Thus, they will be admitted to the country while all the protocol is carried out and they will be allowed to enjoy certain temporary benefits.

Immigration officers will also be able to resort to the “Remain in Mexico” policy, which allows them to send asylum seekers to Mexico while the case is decided.

Immigrants who do not have a sponsor in the United States and do not have a visa or permission to enter the country must enter the CBP One application, apply for any current immigration program, such as asylum, meet the requirements and wait for an appointment. to appear at a port of entry, Univisión indicated.

For its part, CNN specified that under the Title 8migrants will face more serious consequences for crossing the border illegally. Those who pass without first applying for asylum can be arrested and processed for expedited deportation..

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) warned a few days ago that with the Title 8“a person who is removed is subject to a ban on admission to the United States of at least five years and may face criminal prosecution for any subsequent attempt to cross the border illegally.”

Source: Elcomercio

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