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STRAIGHT. War in Ukraine: Zelensky was deprived of interference in Eurovision


  • Russia launched a major offensive in Ukraine 423 days ago.
  • A Kremlin spokesman acknowledged that the “special military operation,” as Russia called the war, was “very difficult.”
  • President Zelenskiy said yesterday that he needed more time to launch the big spring counteroffensive promised by Ukraine, backed by Western weapons.
  • London confirmed its readiness to send long-range cruise missiles to Kyiv.
  • In 2022, more than 71 million people were resettled worldwide, including 17 in Ukraine alone.

740 air alerts in Kyiv since the beginning of the war

In total, the air raid over Kiev since the beginning of the war lasted 851 hours and 38 minutes.


Zelensky may meet with Pope Francis

According to the Ansa news agency, President Zelenskiy may travel to Italy on Saturday. He is expected to meet with Pope Francis and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. At the moment, the Vatican has not officially confirmed the visit. President Zelensky is also due to visit Germany on Saturday at the invitation of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.


Moscow denies information about the offensive of Ukrainian forces in Bakhmut

Moscow denied reports that Ukraine had broken through in various places, including on the front line in Bakhmut. For Moscow, the situation is “under control.”


Slight slowdown in runaway inflation in Ukraine

In April 2023, inflation in Ukraine slowed to 17.9% from 21.3% in March. According to the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU), the country received significant food supplies, as well as larger fuel supplies than expected.


Penalty for Google in Russia

According to the Wall Street Journal, Russia has just fined Google for not removing content that defames the military. According to the court decision, Google “refused to remove material that it describes as promoting same-sex relationships and discrediting the country’s military.”


American Abrams tanks arrived in Germany to train Ukrainian soldiers

According to the Associated Press, US Abrams tanks needed to train Ukrainian forces have arrived in Germany and are on their way to the Grafenwehr military base, where exercises will begin in the coming weeks. Within 10 weeks, about 250 Ukrainian soldiers will be trained in the maintenance and use of tanks. It is expected that these tanks will arrive in Ukraine in early autumn.


A loud explosion was heard in the occupied Melitopol

According to the region’s governor-in-exile, Ivan Fyodorov, the explosion took place “early this morning.”


“Forbidden political statements”

Political or similar statements during the contest are “prohibited”, the Eurovision organizer also explained.

The contest is being held this year in Liverpool (North of England), the UK has offered to host the Eurovision instead of last year’s winner Ukraine, which as such should have hosted the event but who should have turned it down. because of the Russian invasion.

The final on Saturday, which will feature 26 countries, pays tribute to Ukraine as eleven Ukrainian artists are on stage, including last year’s winner Kalush Orchestra, according to the EBU.


Zelensky will not perform at Eurovision

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky will not be able to deliver a video message on Saturday during the final of the Eurovision Song Contest, the organizer of the vocal contest announced on Thursday. “Mr. Zelensky’s request to address the Eurovision Song Contest viewers, although made with laudable intentions, unfortunately cannot be granted as it would violate the rules of the event,” said the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), which organizes the contest.


South Africa outraged by US allegations

The US ambassador in Pretoria on Thursday accused South Africa of providing military support to Russia. According to him, the United States is convinced that “weapons and ammunition were loaded” on board the Russian cargo ship, which was moored near Cape Town in early December, “before it left for Russia.” that the ship “Lady R.” was “under consideration” and added that “when the time is right, we can talk.” His spokesman, Vincent Magvenia, said “to date, no evidence has been presented to support the allegations of weapons being sent from South Africa to Russia,” assuring that the matter would be investigated. In the evening, the president issued a press release reiterating the lack of evidence and deploring that “the ambassador’s remarks undermine the spirit of cooperation and partnership between the two countries.”


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Source: Le Parisien

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