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US migrant centers less crowded but still saturated after Title 42

US migrant centers less crowded but still saturated after Title 42

US migrant centers less crowded but still saturated after Title 42

Immigration detention and processing centers on the southern border of USA are less crowded but continue to be above capacity after the end of the Title 42the sanitary norm that allowed expulsions of migrants by the pandemic of covid.

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The undersecretary of Border and Immigration Policy from the Department of Homeland SecurityBlas Núñez-Neto, said this Monday at a press conference that three days after the end of the regulations there are still thousands of people in Border Patrol facilities.

However, the person in charge confirmed that the crossings of migrants on the border with Mexico have been reduced by 50% compared to the days before the end of Ttitle 42although he warned that the situation is “fluid”, and that human traffickers will try to take advantage of changes in immigration policy.

The Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkasalready announced on Sunday the reduction in migrant crossings, which he attributed to the expansion of processing capacity financed by the Democratic Administration Joe Biden.

Specifically, Núñez-Neto explained that there have been around 5,000 arrests each of the last three days. Of these, thousands have been deported to their countries of origin while hundreds more, from Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, have been returned to Mexico under the Title 8.

Immigration authorities also expressed concern about a series of lawsuits, both from groups that defend migrants and from groups anti-migrationwhich in his opinion “demonstrate how fundamentally broken” the immigration system is.

Nunez-Net He called on the US Congress to approve immigration policy reforms that serve to prevent the avalanches that the country has experienced in recent years.

After the end of the health emergency at midnight last Friday, USA stopped applying the Title 42which allowed undocumented migrants to be expelled without the possibility of requesting asylum due to the pandemic, but established other restrictions at the border and began to deport them through another regulation known as Title 8.

The authorities have warned that from now on all those people who cross the border without a regular immigration status will not be eligible for asylum. They will be removed from the country quickly and may be banned from entering USA for five years.

Although those responsible consider that it is early to judge the situation, the reduction in the number of migrant crossings contrasts with the predictions of many Republican politicians about the avalanches that would occur on the border once the United States ended the Title 42.

Source: Elcomercio

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