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War in Ukraine: what is known about the drone attack on Moscow

At dawn, Muscovites were awakened by bombs. They’re not used to it: On Tuesday morning, the Russian capital came under a rare drone attack. Hours earlier, Russian drones had attacked Kyiv at night, killing at least one person and injuring others, the city’s mayor Vitali Klitschko said.

What’s happened ?

Drones struck Moscow, the Russian capital, on Tuesday morning at dawn. Several residential buildings and houses were damaged, the damage was “insignificant”, said Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. Images posted on social media show traces of smoke in the sky. On others, you can see the window of a broken building.

No casualties have been reported. “So far no one has been seriously hurt,” the mayor continues. According to him, the authorities evacuated the residents of two residential buildings in Moscow damaged by drones. They “will be able to return to their apartments as soon as the special services finish their work,” the mayor of the Russian capital said.

For his part, the governor of the Moscow region, Andrei Vorobyov, said that several drones were shot down on approach to the capital. “This morning, residents of some areas of the Moscow region heard the sounds of explosions, it was our air defense system,” he wrote on Telegram. He urged residents to “keep their cool”: “All emergency services are doing their job. »

Why is this attack amazing?

Moscow has so far been very rarely attacked by drones since the beginning of the conflict. The geographical remoteness of the capital makes it difficult to attempt an attack: Moscow and its region are located at a distance of more than 1000 km from Ukraine.

Despite everything, this type of attack has become more frequent in Moscow, as elsewhere in Russia. In early May, the government shot down two drones, accusing Ukraine of attacking the Kremlin and condemning the assassination attempt on Putin. The attack, which Volodymyr Zelensky denies, the expert considers “extremely unlikely.”

On Tuesday, this attack on Moscow looks like a Ukrainian response: during the night, a Russian drone attack in Kyiv killed at least one person and injured several others. Earlier Monday, Russian strikes in broad daylight caused panic in the Ukrainian capital, which has been under repeated attacks since early May.

Source: Le Parisien

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