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Ukraine blames Russia for preparing for months the destruction of the Kakhovka dam

Ukraine accused this Tuesday Russia after spending months preparing the ground for the destruction of the Kakhovkain it dnieper riverand search now “blaming the victim for their own crimes”.

This is a terrorist act against critical Ukrainian infrastructure that seeks to cause as many civilian casualties and destruction as possible.”, stressed the Ukrainian ambassador to the UN, Sergiy Kyslytsyaduring an emergency meeting of the Security Council.

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Kyslytsya recalled that Russian troops have been controlling the facility for more than a year and stressed that it is “physically impossible” blow up the dam from the outside.

It was mined by the Russian occupiers and they blew it up”, insisted the diplomat, who considered that Russia has opted for a tactic of “Burned ground” to the “be aware that the captured territory does not belong to them and that they will not be able to hold it”.

The Ukrainian ambassador pointed out that the possible destruction of the dam has been discussed by Russian diplomats and media for some time, “indicating that it was planned in advance” and that Russia, she said, wanted to blame her on Ukraine.

Kyslytsya considered as part of that effort a letter sent last October by Moscow to the UN warning of alleged Ukrainian plans to attack the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station.

That letter was recalled this Tuesday before the Security Council by the Russian ambassador, Vasily Nebenziawhich held Ukraine responsible for the destruction of the dam.

MORE INFORMATION: Zelensky says ‘world must react’ after Kakhovka dam attack

Regarding the consequences of the incident, the Ukrainian representative said that this Tuesday there had already been a rise of more than three meters in the water level of the dnieper near the city of Kherson and he calculated that the largest flooded extension will be seen in a period of between three and five days.

As he assured, the left bank of the river -the area controlled by Ukrainian forces- will suffer “eight times more than the right”, with some locations that could be completely covered by the waters.

In addition, he warned of the problems that will be seen in the drinking water supply and that will also affect crimeathe Ukrainian peninsula annexed by Russia.

Source: Elcomercio

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