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Three dead are found in the center of the British city of Nottingham, in a “tragic and appalling incident”

British police closed the center of the English city of Nottinghamafter the discovery of three people murdered in a “tragic and appalling incident.”

A 31-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of murder, police said. Nottinghamadding that it is investigating another incident that could be related, in which a van tried to run over three people.

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British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunakdescribed the facts on Twitter as “shocking” and stated that it remains “aware of the facts” under investigation.

“My thoughts go out to the injured and the families and relatives of who lost their liveshe added.

The police were initially called at 0400 (0300 GMT) to the center of the city ​​where two people were found dead. Later they called her to another place “where a van had tried to run over three people”which were hospitalized.

finally another man he was found dead on another street in the citylocated about 200 km north of London.

“We believe these incidents are related and we have a man in custodystated in a statement Kate Meynellof the police of nottinghamshire.

Photos and videos circulating on social networks show a large police presence and security cordons blocking several streets in the city center.

The police officer neil humphries asked the public to avoid the area because the roads “they could stay closed for a long time.”

“I am very grateful to the police of Nottingham and to all who responded to this terrible attack this morning in Nottinghamthe Secretary of the Interior said on Twitter, Robert Jenrick.

“Our city woke up today to a terrible news. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected.” expressed the Labor deputy Alex Norrisfrom the district of Nottingham.

Source: Elcomercio

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