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Switzerland: Dozens of flights canceled due to strike at Geneva International Airport

Some 60 flights were canceled on Friday at Geneva’s international airport, the second busiest in Swissdue to a workers’ strike.

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The flights were canceled shortly after the start of the unemploymentaround 06:00 (08:00 GMT), according to the airport authorities.

Takeoff and landing activities resumed about four hours later, when runway crews returned to work, although unions voted to keep the strike until Saturday.

“Traffic has resumed but it will be slower than usual,” the airport spokesman told AFP. GenevaIgnace Jeannerat.

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The staff of the airport called the strike on Thursday, after the board of directors of the airport platform announced the approval of a controversial salary policy for the workers of the public company.

Many international flights to North America and the Middle East were affected by the strike.

It is a strike historic because it is the first time for the personnel directly employed by the airport, and according to a Swiss airline, the strike includes controllers and personnel who are on the runways.

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Police and security personnel were deployed on Friday at the airport entrance and only allowed people with maintained flights to pass.

Dozens of striking workers and trade unionists were protesting outside the terminal’s main entrance.

A trade union official expressed his discontent at having reached this extreme situation, in a country where the strikes they are very rare.

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“The airport is a profitable company, which benefits from a monopoly and which is attacking the conditions of the staff,” said Pierre-Yves Maillard, president of the Swiss Trade Union Union (USS).

About 6.8 million passengers used this airport between January and May, according to official data.

Source: Elcomercio

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