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France: Macron announces more police officers to contain riots over murder of young man

The president of FranceEmmanuel Macron, announced this Friday the deployment of more police officers after three nights of riots over the death of a young man shot by an agent, at the end of a crisis meeting in Paris.

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The meeting concluded with the decision to deploy “additional means” of the Ministry of the Interior, according to Macronto try to contain the riots, which last night left 875 detainees and 492 buildings attacked despite the 40,000 agents mobilized.

The president welcomed the “quick and adapted” response of law enforcement to these riots that spread on Tuesday from the suburbs of Paris to the rest of France and are mostly carried out by minors.

“It is up to the parents to keep them at home (…) I call for the sense of responsibility of mothers and fathers. The role of the Republic is not to take their place,” she added.

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Although its Prime Minister, Élisabeth Borne, had indicated that “all options” were on the table for this second crisis meeting in two days, in the end they did not decree a state of emergency as requested by the right-wing and far-right opposition.

Another of the decisions made was to ask the social networks to remove the content linked to these urban violence and to identify their users.

Violence erupted Tuesday on the outskirts of the capital after the death of Nahel, aged 17due to a point-blank shot by an agent at a road control that was recorded on video.

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The 38-year-old police officer was remanded in custody accused of voluntary manslaughter.

but ever since France there are riots every night, with the burning of town halls, police stations and schools, and the looting of shops.

Source: Elcomercio

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