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Putin extends for two years the ban on the export and import of certain raw materials

Putin extends for two years the ban on the export and import of certain raw materials

Putin extends for two years the ban on the export and import of certain raw materials

The Russian President, Vladimir Putinextended today until the end of 2025 the validity of the decree that prohibits the export and import of certain equipment and raw materials to guarantee the stability of the national economy in the midst of Western sanctions.

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The ban, which was imposed by putin on March 8, 2022, two weeks after the start of the war in Ukraineexpired on December 31 of this year.

Russia suspended the export to unfriendly countries of some types of wood, fertilizers, agricultural products and chemicals, steel and tungsten.

In addition, it was prohibited, among others, the import of medical equipment, electrical, agricultural or telecommunications, turbines, locomotives, wagons and containers.

These measures do not apply to “products and (or) raw materials exported from Russia and (o) imported into the country by citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons for personal use”according to the legal information portal.

The press has warned that both Western sanctions and the countersanctions Russian companies have exacerbated the country’s technological lag.

He Kremlin thus reacted to the sanctions imposed mainly by Western powers and which include the ban on exporting, among other things, oil and coal to USA and the European Union (EU).

In this regard, the European Council today extended for six months -until January 31, 2024- the sectoral sanctions against the Russian economy.

putin has recognized that the international sanctions They will have a medium-term impact on the Russian economy, which contracted 1.8% in the first quarter, according to the Government.

Source: Elcomercio

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