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A delivery man beat to death the thief who wanted to steal his bicycle and is now in prison for “aggravated homicide”

A delivery man beat to death the thief who wanted to steal his bicycle and is now in prison for “aggravated homicide”

A delivery man beat to death the thief who wanted to steal his bicycle and is now in prison for “aggravated homicide”

The thief who had stolen a bicycle from a food delivery man in the city of Moreno, Argentina, and that he remained hospitalized due to the beating he received when the victim of that robbery kicked him to recover his shot, he died after a week of agony, for which the prosecution recapitulated the case and charged for “Aggravated homicide” to the delivery and to the other detained by the case.

According to judicial sources, Javier Coria, who was 22 years old, died yesterday at the Larcade Hospital in San Miguel, where he had been hospitalized since September 19 as a result of the multiple head trauma who suffered after receiving the beating.

With the death of Coria, the situation of the two detainees in the case worsened, who are Eduardo Maidana, 19, the food delivery man who had been assaulted by the now deceased, and Rodrigo Tejeda, 29, driver of the truck with which they chased and caught up with the bicycle thief.

Judicial sources told the Télam news agency that the fiscal Luisa Pontecorvo, of the Functional Instruction Unit (UFI) N ° 3 of Moreno, has already notified both that they are now charged with “Homicide aggravated by treachery, that is, by the defenseless state of the victim, with Maidana as “Author” and Tejeda “Necessary participant”. For this crime there is only one possible penalty: life imprisonment.

In addition, Maidana was also charged by the prosecutor with the crime of “robo”, Since, according to the images of the security video camera that recorded the incident, after hitting and leaving Coria unconscious He took off her slippers and carried them off.

The spokespersons indicated that both detainees requested before the Court of Guarantees their extraordinary release, and that they will be investigated for the new criminal classification on Thursday, after the prosecutor receives and analyzes the report of Coria’s autopsy.

The event occurred on Sunday 19 of this month, around 21, when Maidana, who was in full I work as a food delivery boy, was assaulted in Carriego and Aeronáutica Argentina, in the Lomas Verdes neighborhood, in Villa Trujui.

The thief hit him and took his bike. After the assault, Maidana asked the driver of a Peugeot 504 pickup, whom she did not know, for help in pursuing the assailant.

On Belisario Roldán street, between Acoyte and Equidad, in the 202 neighborhood of Trujui, the truck caught up with and locked up the bicycle, causing Coria to fall. The entire sequence was recorded by a security camera, the video of which is key evidence in the file. There it is observed that Maidana gets out of the bed of the truck, first gives him a punch, then throws the bicycle on him and, immediately afterwards, kicks him at least 10 to the head Coria, until he was unconscious. It is also seen in the video that the delivery man approaches Coria again, takes off his shoes and gets on his recovered bicycle.

The criminal lawyer Hugo López Carribero told Télam that in this case he will represent Osvaldo Antonio Coria, the father of the deceased thief, who will present himself as a victim.

“The law protects legitimate defense, but never revenge, which is outside the law. There is no Talion law here, it is not ‘an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth’. And we are convinced that it was a homicide and that it is worth the maximum penalty “, López Carribero said.

Although the lawyer admits that the case has just begun, he estimated that this will be a case that “It will surely end in a jury trial.”

“In that eventual debate we get to, we are going to ask for life imprisonment because it is what corresponds based on what the Penal Code itself establishes”, concluded.



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