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The Pope reiterates “zero tolerance” in the face of the “tremendous plague” of abuses in the Church

He Pope Francisco reiterated “zero tolerance” in the face of the “tremendous plague” of cases of abuse by members of the Churchat the press conference on board the plane in which he was returning from his trip to Lisbon to participate in World Youth Day (WYD).

He also indicated that the bishops who have committed irresponsibility “they will have to take care of it and we will see how”.

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Francisco He responded at the press conference on cases of abuse in Portugal, where a recent report revealed that in 70 years there were up to 4,800 cases of minors abused by members of the Church.

He recalled that in a reserved manner he met a group of victims in Lisbon during the trip and they talked “on this tremendous plague of the Church”.

“It does me good to listen to the victims because it makes me take charge of this drama”he claimed.

Although he observed that regarding the abuses in Portugal “the numbers have been enlarged by the comments” but what “What is reality, the Church is doing well” and? “this leaves you alone”.

Francisco wanted to recall that 42% of child abuse occurs in the family environment and in neighborhoods and is covered and “You have to grow up to discover them”.

The pope said that since the scandal of the church in boston about clergy abuse “There came a time when it was realized that random paths could not be taken” and that “they had to take everything by the horns” and that since then “there is a phrase that is repeated that is zero tolerance.”

On the other hand, the Pope asked the media to pay attention to the crime of disseminating pedopornographic images and live abuse of minors on the Internet, “because in addition to abusing them, the victims are traded.”

And he stressed that in addition to sexual abuse there is also another type of abuse such as child labor or women or even in many countries female excision is practiced.

“There is a culture of abuse that needs to be reviewed and changed”he pointed.

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Source: Elcomercio

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