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Olaf Scholz approaches the German Chancellery after conservatives began to back down

Olaf Scholz approaches the German Chancellery after conservatives began to back down

Olaf Scholz approaches the German Chancellery after conservatives began to back down

The conservative block of Germany It has begun to give in its claims to form a Government, despite the electoral defeat last Sunday, which brings the Foreign Ministry closer to the Social Democrat Olaf Scholz.

“The best options to be chancellor are right now Olaf Scholz”, acknowledged the head of the conservative Bavarian Social Christian Union (CSU), Markus Söder.

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The common candidate of the CSU and the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), Armin Laschet, has not given up on its aspirations to form a coalition with the Greens and the Liberal Party (FDP), which will be key in the formation of a government in Germany, and has not yet congratulated Scholz on his victory, which Söder did.

According to the private news channel n-tv, in a closed meeting with deputies from his party Söder went further and completely ruled out the possibility of a so-called Jamaica coalition, with CDU / CSU, greens and liberals.

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“On Jamaica there will not even be negotiations. The SPD, the Greens and the Liberals will form their coalition, “said Söder according to that channel.


The Social Democratic Party (SPD) will have the strongest parliamentary group with 206 deputies and 25.7% of the votes (compared to 24.1% for the CDU) and its candidate for the Chancellery, Scholz, considers that with this he has a mandate to form Government.

Rolf Mutzenich was re-elected today as head of the Social Democratic parliamentary group and expressed his hope that negotiations could soon begin with the Greens and the FDP to form a government coalition.

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“We are now focused on getting to work. We have invited Greens and Liberals to have talks with us this week, if they want, “said Mutzenich.

The Greens, with 118 MPs, and the FDP, with 92 MPs, are necessary to achieve a parliamentary majority in Germany.

Laschet’s desire to form a government has been questioned in the CDU / CSU, whose joint parliamentary group consists of 196 deputies, and there are voices that consider that the two groups should go to the opposition after having the worst result in their history.

Germany’s SPD Social Democratic Party Secretary General Lars Klingbeil (left) applauds as candidate Olaf Scholz and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania State Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig and the SPD hold bouquets of flowers one day after the elections general. (CHRISTOF STACHE / AFP).

“The results do not represent a commission to form a government for the CDU / CSU,” said, for example, the prime minister of Saxony (east of the country) and a member of the party’s leadership, Michael Kretschmer.

The liberal FDP has been the traditional ally of the CDU / CSU and has recognized that with that group it has the greatest programmatic coincidences.

However, he has also shown himself willing to speak with the Social Democrats and today Marco Buschmann, executive secretary of the Liberals, asked the conservative bloc to define whether it wants to try to form a government or go to the opposition so that the other parties can set an agenda of talks.

On the part of the Greens, the co-chair of the parliamentary group, Anton Hofreiter, said that, although the party will speak with all the groups, the advance of the Social Democrats and the fall of the Conservatives suggest that the natural solution would be a coalition chaired by the SPD.


The FDP and the Greens have announced that they will first initiate conversations between them to try to define common points and overcome differences in the face of an alliance with one of the two major parties.

The constitutive session of the new parliament must be held, according to the constitution, no later than one month after the elections.

The new parliament must elect the new chancellor but this does not necessarily have to happen in the first session and there is no time limit.

The election is made at the suggestion of the president of the republic, in this case Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who proposes the candidate that he considers has the possibility of achieving a majority.

The longest government formation process in Germany took place four years ago, when it took 171 days for an agreement to be reached between the conservative bloc and the Social Democratic Party to reissue the grand coalition.


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