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Peace in Colombia is “urgent, cannot be postponed” and “necessary”, says Nicolás Maduro

Peace in Colombia is “urgent, cannot be postponed” and “necessary”, says Nicolás Maduro

Peace in Colombia is “urgent, cannot be postponed” and “necessary”, says Nicolás Maduro

peace in Colombia is “urgent, urgent” and “necessary”, assured this Monday the president of Venezuela, Nicolas Madurowho reiterated his support for the dialogue between the Government of the Andean country and the guerrillas of National Liberation Army (ELN), whose offices opened on Monday, August 14, in Caracas its fourth cycle of negotiations.

I want to ratify all the good will, all the disposition of Venezuela, of our Government, to help Colombia to build peace. (…) Peace in Colombia is urgent, it cannot be postponed, it is emerging, it is necessary”, said the president during his weekly program “Con Maduro +”, broadcast by the state channel VTV.

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The Head of State expressed that peace in the Andean country, which “can’t be delayed anymore“, It is also “peace in Venezuela” and “in South America”.

If I could have a magic wand to work a miracle, I (…) would touch the heads and the minds and the spirit of all the armed actors in Colombia to sow values ​​of peace”, added Maduro, who previously, through an official statement, gave “the warmest welcome” to the delegations and to the guarantor and accompanying countries of the dialogue.

The representatives of the Colombian Government and the THE N They began their fourth cycle of negotiations on Monday in which they hope to develop recently signed agreements, including the 180-day ceasefire that came into effect on August 3.

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Both parties expressed ahuge thanks” to Venezuela, where the talks were resumed, with a first phase, on November 21 after four years paralyzed with the previous government, led by ivan duke (2018-2022).

The activity was attended by the guarantor countries, representatives of the United Nations Organizationthe Colombian government delegation, led by Otty Patinoand the executive vice president of Venezuela, delcy rodriguezwho asked to remove from the dialogue the “enemies of peace”.

Source: Elcomercio

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