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Putin accuses the US and its allies of “add fuel to the fire” in Ukraine

President Russian, Vladimir Putinaccused today USA and his allies ofadd fuel to the firein the conflict in Ukraine and other regions of the world, in a greeting video message to the participants in the XI Moscow Conference on International Security.

USA seeks, among other things, to reformat the system of interstate interaction that has developed spontaneously in the region of Asia and the Peaceful”, said the president.

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According to Putin, the promotion of the so-called strategies of Indo-Pacificin fact, it aims to create “political-military associations controlled by Washington”.

The boss of the Kremlin He added that there are latent sources of tension in other regions of the world and that “they are all generated by geopolitical adventures, selfish, neocolonial actions of the West”.

In the example of Ukraine it is clear what this policy of adding fuel to the fire leads to. By pumping billions of dollars into the neo-Nazi regime, giving it equipment, weapons, ammunition, sending in military advisers and mercenaries, everything possible is done to further ignite the conflict.“, said.

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The Russian president stressed that only by joining the efforts of the world community is it possible to reduce confrontation at the global and regional levels and strengthen trust between states.

Source: Elcomercio

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