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Coronavirus vaccine will be mandatory in Costa Rica

Coronavirus vaccine will be mandatory in Costa Rica

Coronavirus vaccine will be mandatory in Costa Rica

The government of Costa Rica announced Tuesday that the vaccine against covid-19 it will be mandatory for all public employees. In addition, it empowered private employers to demand an immunization certificate from their workers.

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“The National Commission for Vaccination and Epidemiology approved the mandatory nature of the vaccine against covid-19 for all public sector officials, as well as for those private sector employees whose employers, within their internal labor regulations, have chosen to incorporate said vaccination as mandatory in their work centers ”, indicates a statement from the Ministry of Health.

The mandatory nature of the vaccine will be established by a decree that will be signed in the next few days.

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“The Commission made the decision based on epidemiological variables such as the number of cases covid-19, the mortality of the disease, the increased circulation of the Delta variant and the high hospital occupancy, impacted to a greater extent by patients who are not vaccinated, as well as the slowdown in the influx of people to the vaccination centers to receive their first dose ” adds the official statement.

On Sunday, a special ten-day vaccination campaign concluded that was carried out with extended hours in shopping centers, churches, companies, clinics and other places, but that did not yield the expected results, since the goal of placing 500,000 first doses was only achieved. 195,598.

Currently, in this country of 5.1 million inhabitants there are 867,000 people within the population to be vaccinated (over 12 years old) without the first dose, of which 220,000 are minors between 12 and 17 years old; 55,000 adults over the age of 58 and 592,000 people between the ages of 18 and 57, according to data from the Costa Rican Social Security Fund.

In what did exceed the goal, the special vaccination campaign was in the placement of second doses, since 240,494 were applied, when the objective was 200,000.

Since February, the vaccine has been mandatory for officials of the Ministry of Health, the Costa Rican Social Security Fund and the Red Cross.

The authorities released last week the results of a study with data as of September 14, which indicates that 86.7% of patients admitted to intensive care units for covid-19 are not vaccinated or do not have the complete vaccination schedule. , while 13.2% had already placed both doses.

The study also indicated that of those admitted to the salon (mild or moderate condition) 57.4% did not have the first dose, 13.9% had that first vaccine and 28.7% already had both doses.

The authorities have insisted that the population ignore messages that circulate on social networks and in text messages with disinformation and conspiracy theories about vaccines.

Until September 27, Costa Rica has recorded 525,999 cases of covid-19 and 6,277 deaths, and currently hospitals maintain a high level of occupancy with 1,372 people hospitalized, of which 451 are in intensive care.

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