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Borrell congratulates Bernardo Arévalo and the Guatemalan people for peaceful elections

Borrell congratulates Bernardo Arévalo and the Guatemalan people for peaceful elections

Borrell congratulates Bernardo Arévalo and the Guatemalan people for peaceful elections

The high representative of the European Union for Foreign Policy, Josep Borrellcongratulated this Monday the new president-elect of Guatemala, Bernardo Arevalofor his victory in the elections this Sunday and he extended his congratulations to the people of Guatemala for participating peacefully in these elections.

KNOW MORE: President of Guatemala congratulates Bernardo Arévalo and offers an “orderly transition”

It’s a statement, Borrell applauded this peaceful participation and the “firm commitment to democracy shown throughout the process” by the Guatemalan people and considered that the result of the vote “it’s very clear now” still awaiting the final announcement of the official results by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal.

The EU congratulates the winning presidential candidate, Mr. Bernardo Arevaloand the vice-presidential candidate, Mrs. Karin Herrera. We are pleased that the outgoing president, Mr. Alejandro Giammatteihas recognized the result and has referred to the need for a transition and transfer of power ordered to take place on January 14, 2024″Borrell wrote.

The head of community diplomacy considered “crucial” that all institutions and social sectors “join this effort in the interest of the country”, which it considers a long-term partner for the EU.

“Democratic governance in the country (…) is the necessary basis for the efforts of the authorities to achieve sustainable and inclusive development and social justice”affected Borrell.

The Electoral Observation Mission (MOE) of the EUled by the MEP from Citizens Jordi Cañaswill publish a preliminary statement on the electoral process on Tuesday and will continue to independently assess its compliance with international and regional standards, as well as national laws, the statement added.

Source: Elcomercio

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