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Biden chooses a Venezuelan as director of Hispanic media for the 2024 campaign

The president of USA, Joe Bidenhas chosen the Venezuelan Maria Carolina Married to direct the Hispanic media strategy within its campaign for the 2024 presidential electionin which the president opts for re-election.

In statements to EFE, Casado acknowledged feeling “extremely honored and excited” by “chance” and the “challenge” from serving as the director of Hispanic media for the Biden campaign and his running mate, the vice president, Kamala Harris.

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The stakes are high for Hispanics in this election, and we take absolutely nothing for granted. We are investing more and earlier than ever to reach all the Latino communities in the country, because we understand that it is crucial that they hear everything that President Biden and Vice President Harris are achieving for us.“Married said.

For the past two years, Casado has held the position of director of Hispanic media and spokesperson at the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the party’s governing body.

Casado played an especially relevant role in the party’s strategy for the November 2022 midterm elections, in which the Democrats maintained their majority in the Senate and lost fewer seats than initially predicted in the Low camera.

Within the DNC, Casado led a seven-figure operation to create ads in Spanish and English targeting Latino voters.

From Cumaná to the world of politics in the US

Born in Cumaná, a small city on the northeast coast of VenezuelaMarried came to USA in 2014 and immediately became involved in politics.

In 2016, she worked as a Hispanic press intern for the organization “Hillary for America”, whose objective was to promote the election of Hillary Clinton as President of the United States in the 2016 presidential electionin which the Republican donald trump took the victory.

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In the later 2020 presidential electionCasado was the regional press secretary for the south of Florida of the Biden campaign, who ended up defeating Trump.

Married, known as “bruise”, has also worked with various members of Congress, such as Democratic lawmaker Donna Shalalawho between 2019 and 2021 represented in the Low camera the 27th arrondissement Florida.

Until now, Casado lived in Miami (Florida), but she has already moved with her family, her husband and 4-year-old son, to Wilmington (Delaware), where Biden’s campaign headquarters are located.

One of the aspects that Casado highlights about the Biden government is the low unemployment rate for Latinos, which is at its lowest point in history, and the opening of small businesses at the fastest pace in the last decade, in addition to the ability of many members of the community to access health insurance.

We have a great story to tell and that is exactly what we are doing, I am very proud to be a part of this unprecedented effort.”, concluded Casado.

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The Hispanics behind the Biden campaign

The Biden campaign has several Latinos in positions of responsibility, starting with the head of the re-election campaign, Julie Chavez Rodriguezwho is the granddaughter of the historic activist for civil and labor rights Cesar Chavez.

Also, the Biden campaign spokesman is Kevin Munozwho worked for more than two years in the White House and led the communication strategy in response to the pandemic of covid-19.

Finally, to replace Casado as director of Hispanic media at the DNC, the party has hired Marco Frieria Colombian-American originally from South Florida.

Source: Elcomercio

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