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Trump files motion for judge in his Washington case to withdraw from trial

Trump files motion for judge in his Washington case to withdraw from trial

Trump files motion for judge in his Washington case to withdraw from trial

The former American president donald trump (2017-2021) presented a motion this Monday so that the judge who will try him in Washington due to electoral interference, Tanya Chutkanget off the case.

Now is not the time for the American people to question the impartiality of a judge. Rather, the Court should ensure that the public remains with unwavering confidence in its decisions and its commitment to a fair and impartial administration of justice.“, he said in his writing when justifying his request.

LOOK HERE: The judge sets the start of Trump’s trial for electoral interference for March 4, 2024, one day before Super Tuesday

Trump is accused in Washington conspiracy to defraud USAconspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding and conspiracy against rights.

The accusation established that, after losing the November 3, 2020 elections to the Democrat Joe Bidenthe then president embarked on a conspiracy to “reverse legitimate results” of the 2020 presidential elections with false allegations that there was electoral fraud and multiple stratagems.

Chutkan decided on August 28 that the trial begin on March 4, 2024, one day before Super Tuesday, the closest thing there is in the United States to a national primary, since more than a dozen states will simultaneously hold internal processes to elect Republican and Democratic presidential candidates.

Trump noted in his motion that the judge has suggested, in relation to other cases, that he should be charged and sentenced.

Such statements, made before this case began and without due diligence, are inherently disqualifying.“, he stressed in a note where he added that although Chutkan intends to “really“Give him a fair trial for his public position”inevitably contaminates this process, regardless of the outcome”.

MORE INFORMATION: What is known about the lawsuit in Colorado to prevent Trump from participating in the state’s primary elections

Trump asked that the judge drop the case to preserve “both impartiality and the appearance of impartiality” and demanded that his request be treated without delay.

The former president is accused in four criminal cases: two for electoral interference in Washington and Georgiaanother in Florida for taking away White House classified roles when leaving power and the fourth in NY for irregular payments to the porn actress Stormy Daniels to silence during the 2016 campaign a “affair” that they had in the past.

Source: Elcomercio

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