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Tragedy in Libya: Cyclone Daniel leaves at least 2,080 dead and more than 5,000 missing

Tragedy in Libya: Cyclone Daniel leaves at least 2,080 dead and more than 5,000 missing

Tragedy in Libya: Cyclone Daniel leaves at least 2,080 dead and more than 5,000 missing

He Cyclone Danielpassing through the northeastern area of Libya Since this Sunday, it has left at least 2,080 dead so far and the number of missing could exceed 5,000 as a result of the torrential rains that have devastated entire residential areas, reported the parallel government of the east.

The deputy prime minister of said Executive, Ali al Gatraniasked the international community for humanitarian intervention “urgent” in the city of Dernathe most affected by this phenomenon, blocked by land, without electricity or communications and declared “catastrophic zone”.

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According to the local newspaper Libya Observertwo dams in this municipality collapsed, releasing a total of 33 million cubic meters of water and destroying bridges and buildings in their path.

Heavy rainfall has also hit the towns of Misrata, Al Bayda and Marj with thunderstorms and winds of up to 180 kilometers per hour.

He central bank announced the creation of a crisis committee in order to cover the liquidity needs of the eastern government, commercial banks and citizens of the affected areas, as well as the opening of an air bridge to send money.

The prime minister of Government of National Unity (GUN), Abdulhamid Debibabased in Tripolipromised that the State will compensate all those affected by the floods and decreed three days of mourning for the victims in addition to ordering that flags throughout the country be lowered to half-mast.

For its part, the parallel Executive, supported by Parliament and based on Benghazidecreed this Sunday and Monday as a holiday in all public institutions and school establishments – with the exception of security forces, medical personnel and essential professionals – in the region. Cyrenaica (this) that controls its administration.

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Both authorities took precautionary measures such as the closure of schools and businesses, the imposition of a curfew to prevent citizens from leaving their homes, and the closure of the main oil fields.

The United Nations Mission in Libya (Unsmil) stated in a statement that it is closely monitoring the emergency situation and is ready to provide urgent humanitarian assistance to complement national and local efforts.

After spanking Greece and Türkiye In recent days, the Cyclone Daniel It was downgraded to a subtropical storm on September 9 and is expected to weaken in the Maghreb country starting this Monday as it heads towards the neighbor. Egyptaccording to a report by Arab Regional Meteorological Center.

Source: Elcomercio

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