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The sadness of Armenians after the defeat in Nagorno Karabakh

The sadness of Armenians after the defeat in Nagorno Karabakh

The sadness of Armenians after the defeat in Nagorno Karabakh

Thousands of Armenians gathered this Thursday in the center of Yerevan demand the resignation of the government Armenia after the lightning victory of Azerbaijan in this new military operation in Nagorno Karabakhwhere they fear that a “genocide”.

Feelings of surprise, anger and fear prevailed among protesters, who were also thinking about how to help the inhabitants of the disputed enclave, in the third such demonstration since Tuesday.

LOOK HERE: At least 200 people died and more than 400 were injured during the military operation in Nagorno-Karabakh

We are heartbroken. It is possible to open a (humanitarian) corridor and help people, at least to evacuate children. It’s possible!“, assured Victory26 years old, a dentist who preferred not to reveal her surname for fear of repression in Azerbaijan.

Before anything else, we ask the government to help its people“added this young woman, who was carrying a flag of the Nagorno Karabakhwhose majority population is Armenian.

Many of the protesters have the Armenian prime minister in their sights, Nikol Pashinyanwhich they call “traitor” for not sending Armenian troops to help separatist forces in the enclave.

The Azerbaijani army began a lightning military operation on Tuesday against that region, which had already been the scene of a war in 2020 that ended with a clear military victory for the Azerbaijanis.

After just 24 hours of fighting, the authorities in Nagorno-Karabakh, who this time did not have the support of Armenian troops, were crushed by the Azerbaijani army and surrendered.

MORE INFORMATION: Azerbaijan launches attack in Nagorno Karabakh: fighting leaves 25 dead, according to authorities

Under the mediation of RussiaNegotiations began this Thursday between Azerbaijani authorities and Armenian separatists for reintegration Azerbaijan several areas of Nagorno Karabakh, where more than 100 thousand people are blocked.

The ghost of a “genocide”

The future of these inhabitants, subject to a strict blockade by Azerbaijan since December 2022 and who only receive humanitarian aid little by little, was the great concern of the protesters gathered in Republic Square in Yerevan.

In recent days, macabre rumors have circulated on social media, such as children being decapitated or civilians being shot.

On the lips of many Yerevans is the word “genocide”, as they fear that the inhabitants of the enclave will suffer ethnic cleansing.

They are hungry and are left without running water, electricity and a roof over their heads. They are Armenians, we are one people and we have to be together“, he argues David Vartaniana 32 year old chef.

SEE TOO: What the latest clashes in Nagorno Karabakh tell us about Russia’s influence in the region

Vartanian is very critical of the Armenian prime minister and believes that if they change the head of government, they will be able to confront Azerbaijan militarily.

However, many protesters considered a military victory against Azerbaijan, which has solid support from the Türkiye.

Nor did they hide their resentment towards Russia and the European Unionwhom they blame for not having helped them.

Source: Elcomercio

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