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Mexico calls on private entities to sell vaccines against Covid-19 in the country

After just over three years since the arrival of the pandemic COVID-19 for MexicoMexico’s Federal Commission for Protection against Health Risks (Cofepris) will allow private companies to sell vaccines against the virus.

Previously, their purchase was only permitted by national governments; However, this Friday the Mexican health regulator appealed to companies interested in participating to obtain a marketing license in the country.

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To do this, they will have to go through a transition process from an emergency use authorization to a health registration, in which they will have to prove the quality, safety and effectiveness of their antigens.

“This is an unprecedented regulatory process due to its technical complexity, and exemplary due to the transparency that the Mexican authority will implement through the ‘glass box’ principle, with which it is possible for the population to know each stage of the authorization process without compromising the regulatory definition. , following best international practices”explained the Cofepris.

The health regulator in Mexico He explained that the process is “a pioneer in the world”, as well as that the analyzes to allow its commercialization by individuals will be carried out by personnel specialized in biological and biotechnological medicines.

The entity detailed that the authorizations granted in advance will remain in force, to continue the National Vaccination Policy against coronavirus, to prevent COVID-19 in Mexico, “or to the long-term management plan determined by the Ministry of Health”.

Likewise, the Mexican regulatory authority asked the population not to make indiscriminate use of any vaccine against COVID-19Well he warned “the risk-benefit of each application must be considered”.

In 2020, global regulatory agencies implemented an emergency use authorization scheme, as a temporary instrument that made it possible to provide quality, safe and effective vaccines against this virus in record time.

Cofepris also recalled that it was classified as National Regulatory Authority reference for the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)Therefore, its decisions are recognized by the different countries in the region.

“This allows vaccines approved in our country to be used in other sister nations, as occurred in the most critical moments of the pandemic”concluded.

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Source: Elcomercio

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